
From Combine OverWiki, the original Half-Life wiki and Portal wiki
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Canada.svgThis user is Canadian.
Steam icon.pngThis user uses Steam under the name NoriMori.
Logo youtube.pngThis user uses YouTube under the name NoriMori.
HLPverse.pngThis user is addicted to the Combine OverWiki!
Apple logo.svgThis user edits running Mac OS X.
Black Mesa logo alt.svgThis user is a Black Mesa fan.
DOG model.jpgThis user thinks Dog is the best pet ever!
Black Mesa logo documents.svgThis user supports Black Mesa, an equal opportunity employer.
Aperture Science grey.svgThis user supports Aperture Science. For science!
Wheatley model damaged.jpgThis user forgave Wheatley.
Judith Mossman.jpgThis user wonders where the hell Judith Mossman is.
Shephard2.jpgThis user wonders when Adrian Shephard will come back.