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"Time, Doctor Freeman? Is it really that time again?"
The G-Man[src]

The timeline of the Half-Life and Portal universe spans mostly from the 20th century to Earth's far future. This timespan sees the rise and fall of rival scientific research corporations Aperture Science and Black Mesa, the Combine's invasion and occupation of Earth in the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident, and the uprising of humanity against them.

On issuing precise dates on an official timeline, Marc Laidlaw, then-employee of Valve, stated the company doubted they ever would because of the possibility of contradicting themselves in the future.[1]

The following timeline has been constructed by gathering every established date and the events that have occurred around them. Several retcons have been made since the release of the first Half-Life game released in 1998, so older material may contradict more recent developments. Additionally, the events of Half-Life: Alyx indicate the storyline does not always occur linearly as events in both the series' past and future can be further manipulated.

19th Century[edit]


Between 1872 and 1882[edit]



20th Century[edit]


Between 1936 and 1937[edit]


Circa 1943[edit]


  • Cave Johnson receives the Shower Curtain Salesman award within Aperture Fixtures.[6]


January 6[edit]

Between 1944 and 1954[edit]


Between 1947 and 1957[edit]






  • Aperture Science is the runner up of the US Department of Defense's Contractor of the Year award again.[23]


  • Aperture Science receives the National Potato Board's "Spirit of Idaho" award for the promotion of Potato Science.[24]



From 1957 to 1973[edit]

  • Aperture Science produces mostly shower curtains.[8][9][b]




June 15[edit]
  • Aperture Science's Test Shaft 09 "Zulu Bunsen" is condemned, abandoned and sealed off.[32][33]


Between 1968 and 1978[edit]


Main article: Aperture Desk Job



Between 1972 and 1982[edit]



  • Cave Johnson secretly develops a dangerous mercury-injected rubber sheeting, from which he plans to manufacture seven deadly shower curtains to be given as gifts to each member of the House Naval Appropriations committee.[8][9][c][d]

Between 1974 and 1984[edit]


October 17[edit]
  • Cave Johnson realizes that testing on prominent members of society can be problematic, especially if they go missing. In response to this realization, he profiles what he deems as "low risk" test subjects. His profile is released internally in a confidential memo to select Aperture Science employees.[7][43]

Between 1977 and 1987[edit]


  • Due to financial difficulties and possible legal problems arising from testing prominent citizens, Aperture Science begins using homeless people as test subjects.[7]
  • Aperture's object of testing and experimentation at this time is Propulsion Gel, no longer being considered as a "Propulsion Pudding" dietetic aid successor to Repulsion Pudding. Complementing this, Aperture begins experimenting with human deconstruction, enhancement, and reconstruction procedures.[7][34]
  • Aperture constructs the elevator to the surface from the Propulsion Gel testing section of Test Shaft 09.[46]


  • Interested in the superior portal conductor properties of moon rocks, Cave Johnson acquires $70 million worth of the lunar material. In experimenting with this, he grinds it up and mixes it into a new gel he calls Conversion Gel. Unfortunately, Johnson soon discovers that ground up moon rocks are highly poisonous and he begins to become deathly ill.[7][47]



  • Both of Cave Johnson’s kidneys fail. Brain damaged, dying, and incapable of being convinced that time is not now flowing backwards, Johnson lays out a three-tier R&D program. The results, he says, will “guarantee the continued success of Aperture Science far into the fast-approaching distant past.”:
1. The Heimlich Counter-Maneuver – A reliable technique for interrupting the life-saving Heimlich Maneuver.
2. The Take-A-Wish Foundation – A charitable organization that will purchase wishes from the parents of terminally ill children and redistribute them to wish-deprived but otherwise healthy adults.
3. Improved portal technology that he cryptically refers to as “Some kind of rip in the fabric of space…that would…well, it’d be like, I don’t know, something that would help with the shower curtains I guess. I haven’t worked this idea out as much as the wish-taking one.”[7][8][9][e]


  • Diligent Aperture Science engineers complete the Heimlich Counter-Maneuver and Take-A-Wish Foundation initiatives. The company announces products related to the research in a lavish, televised ceremony. These products immediately become wildly unpopular. After a very public string of choking and despondent sick child disasters, senior company officials are summoned before a Senate investigative committee. During these proceedings, an engineer mentions that significant progress has been made on "Tier 3", the “man-sized ad hoc quantum tunnel through physical space with possible applications as a shower curtain.” The committee is quickly and permanently recessed, and Aperture is granted an open-ended contract to secretly continue research on portal technology and the "Heimlich Counter-Maneuver" project.[7][8][9]
  • Aperture constructs a new Test Subject Waiting Area.[48]
  • Around now, Aperture is using its own employees as test subjects, replacing any lost with robot workers.[47][49][50][51][52][53]


  • Increasingly ill, Cave Johnson pushes forward with the new Conversion Gel. By painting surfaces with a paint made from the gel, safe and stable portals can be placed and traversed with no harm coming to the rest subject.[7]
  • Due to his illness, Johnson also becomes interested in artificial intelligence and brain mapping. His hopes are that a successful brain map would allow a person's intelligence and consciousness to be implanted into a computer. In particular, he sees this as a possible way to overcome his poisoning and defeat death.[7] Johnson states that if he dies before work is complete, his assistant Caroline is to succeed him as CEO of Aperture Science and have her consciousness put into a computer, even against her will.[47]
  • Earliest known use of the Enrichment Center Test Subject Application Process being applied to Aperture's test subjects. It is operated by version 1.07 of Aperture's in-house "GLaDOS" disk operating system.[8]
  • Aperture's GLaDOS is upgraded to versions 1.07a and 1.09.[8]
  • Aperture constructs Test Shaft 09's Pump Station Gamma and Enrichment Sphere 06's test chamber.[54][55]
October 27[edit]
  • An image of a cake celebrating this date is among several images in GLaDOS' databanks.[56]


  • Aperture Science publishes a "Girls of Aperture Science" calendar.[57]
November 19[edit]
  • An image of a cake celebrating this date is among several images in GLaDOS' databanks.[58]

From 1983 to 1985[edit]

  • Work progresses on Aperture Science's “Portal” project. Several high ranking Fatah personnel choke to death on lamb chunks despite the intervention of their bodyguards.[7][8][9][f]


August 11[edit]
  • An image of a cake celebrating this date is among several images in GLaDOS' databanks.[59]



  • Word reaches Aperture Science management that competing and rival defense contractor Black Mesa is working on similar portal technology. In response to this news, Aperture begins further developing their GLaDOS to be used as an artificially intelligent research assistant (or "genetic lifeform") and disk operating system.[7][8][9]
  • Test Shaft 09's Enrichment Sphere 06's test chamber is fitted with a new wall.[60]


  • Latest known use of the Aperture Image Format.[43]



Main article: The Lab




  • After a decade spent bringing the Disk Operating System parts of GLaDOS to a state of basic functionality, Aperture Science begins work on the Genetic Lifeform component.[8][9] To implement the Genetic Lifeform component, the essence of Caroline is infused into the existing OS to provide the basis for GLaDOS' thought process.[7]
  • Around now, while GLaDOS is being developed, it is somebody's job to sit by a red phone in GLaDOS' chamber, and, if it ever looked like the AI was becoming sentient and godlike, that person would pick up the phone and call somebody to come help.[64]
  • The 37th Mandela by Marc Laidlaw is published.[65]

Between 1996 and 2006[edit]

  • Alyx Vance is born. She is 19 during the events of Half-Life: Alyx, set between 2015 and 2024.[66]

Late 1990s[edit]

  • While visiting the University of Innsbruck, Gordon Freeman observes a series of seminal teleportation experiments conducted by the Institute for Experimental Physics. Practical applications for teleportation become his obsession.[67]


  • Latest known use of a bulletin board system by Aperture Laboratories. By now, GLaDOS is version 3.11.[43]



November 1[edit]


January 13[edit]

  • The US War Department issues an updated copy of its Basic Field Manual soldier's handbook.[78]

21st century[edit]



December 5[edit]
  • When the keycard of Terminal Authority employee Fyodor Todorova is set to expire. However, the card is ultimately never invalidated after this date, as Alyx Vance ends up using it years later.[80]


September 28[edit]
  • When the keycard of Terminal Authority employee Zdravka Damyanovska is set to expire. However, the card is ultimately never invalidated after this date, as Alyx Vance ends up using it years later.[81]


June 11[edit]


4 July[edit]
  • An image of a cake celebrating this date is among several images in GLaDOS' databanks.[83]


March 3[edit]
  • Adrian Shephard writes in his diary: "Another typically hellish day at base camp... I'll be glad when this is over and I can get assigned a mission. There has been this really weird civie spotted at the base. Rumor is he's from some government branch looking to recruit; others say he's with some secret research group. I would jump at the chance to join. It would be cool just for the change and the adventure."[77][78]
March 7[edit]
Main article: Boot Camp (chapter)
  • Adrian Shephard writes in his diary: "I finally saw the government guy today.[84] I am not sure he is a g-man, but he was wearing a really uptight suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked more like a lawyer or insurance agent to me. I did notice him checking me out. Several times throughout the day I spotted him just watching me during training. I wonder what he's up to..."[77][78]
March 9[edit]
  • Adrian Shephard writes in his diary: "For weeks our drills have been the same crap day after day. Today we assemble for the morning run and our drill instructor tells us we have one week to become experts at indoor strategic combat. We will be spending every day this week at the combat simulation facility. As far as I know this a specialized training not taught in boot camp. What I want to know is if this is to test our ability to adapt or if we are being readied for a specific mission? Time will tell..."[77][78]
March 12[edit]
  • Adrian Shephard writes in his diary: "The rumors have been flying since our indoor combat training began. Most of my peers are convinced that we are being primed for a mission. No one can agree on what the mission is. I have heard the name Black Mesa Facility thrown around a lot, but I have no information about the place. The rumors are that some top-secret research is going on there. Doesn't sound too exciting to me..."[77][78]
March 15[edit]
  • Adrian Shephard writes in his diary: "The rumor has been confirmed. We are being trained for a mission at the Black Mesa Facility. All I know is that the place is being used by scientists who are doing some kind of new research. I can't imagine what we would be needed for. We were told today to be ready in case it happens tomorrow. I don't know what "it" is, but the whole thing is a little strange. I kind of hope it doesn't happen; the mission doesn't seem to have much excitement potential. I'd rather hold out for something with more likelihood of combat."[77][78]
"Days" before May 16[edit]
  • Around now, Aperture Science's research icebreaker the Borealis and part of its drydock disappear during testing and development. The events surrounding the Borealis become highly classified.[7]
  • The untested GLaDOS AI is activated for the first time as one of the planned activities on Aperture's first annual Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. In many ways, the initial test goes well: Immediately, within one picosecond of being switched on, GLaDOS becomes self-aware. The "going well" phase lasts for two more picoseconds, at which point GLaDOS takes control of the facility and locks it down, trapping everyone inside. She then deploys a deadly neurotoxin which kills the majority of the scientists within the facility. A few survivors manage to install a Morality Core into GLaDOS which prohibits her from using the neurotoxin again. With the Morality Core in place, GLaDOS turns her attention back to the facility and begins testing. Her goal: beat the hated Black Mesa in the race to develop a functioning portal technology.[7][8][9]
May 5[edit]
  • While concluding his affairs at the University of Innsbruck, Gordon Freeman receives a letter from the Black Mesa Office of the Administrator's L.M. confirming his acceptance for a position at the Research Facility.[11][12]
May 9[edit]
May 11[edit]
  • Colette Green receives a letter from L.M. informing her of Black Mesa senior staff's decision that sample GG-3883 will replace EP-0021.[11]
Before May 12[edit]
  • Barney Calhoun is processed for a salary increase and retinal scan, and his two-day training course is scheduled.[78]
May 12[edit]
May 13[edit]
  • Second day of Barney Calhoun's two-day training course.[11][78]
May 14[edit]
  • Colette Green was to be trained by Isaac Kleiner on Anomalous Materials Handling, but this is rescheduled to June.[11] This never occurs because of the Black Mesa Incident.
May 15[edit]
  • The latest date Gordon Freeman would take on his position at Black Mesa.[11][12][g]
  • Barney Calhoun reports to the Sector C, Area 3 Medium Security Facilities' section manager where he is provided his assignment. Calhoun is assigned to a 09:00 - 22:00 Blue Shift until August 15. Various other security officers are assigned to Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Indigo Shifts throughout various areas and times in the facility, respectively. During this period, Violet Shift is on standby.[78]
  • Gina Cross is being trained by Richard Keller on an HEV Mk. 5 Prototype.[11]
May 16[edit]
"Big day today, Freeman."
Black Mesa Science Team[src]
  • Gordon Freeman is being trained by Gina Cross's holographic counterpart on the Hazardous Environment Suit in the Black Mesa Training Facility.[87] Prior to the training run, the scientists monitoring Freeman mention that the sensors in their equipment are not working, and that "things are in a state of commotion".[88]
8:30 AM[edit]
  • When the experiment on sample GG-3883 in the anti-mass spectrometer was to be performed. This is delayed by at least half an hour due to Gordon Freeman running late to work.[87][86]
"About" 8:40 AM[edit]
  • System crashes and security malfunctions occur throughout Sector C.[85][87][86]
8:42 AM[edit]
8:46 AM[edit]
8:47 AM[edit]
Main article: Black Mesa Inbound
  • After his HEV Suit Training, Gordon Freeman begins his tram ride from the Level 3 Dormitories, running late to work. He passes Barney Calhoun banging on a door to the Sector C Area 3 Medium Security Facilities.[85][87]
  • Topside temperature is 93° Fahrenheit.[89]
Around 9:00 AM[edit]
  • Barney Calhoun gears up for his shift and receives orders to travel to Sector G to see what he can do about restoring power to its main access lift for two stuck scientists.[85]
  • Gordon Freeman arrives at the Anomalous Materials Laboratory. By now, he is 30 minutes late.[87] Barney Calhoun witnesses this through a security feed.[85]
  • On his way to gearing up in his HEV suit, Freeman destroys Arne Magnusson's microwave casserole in the lab's cafeteria.[87][90]
  • Gina Cross prepares sample GG-3883 for the experiment.[86] Calhoun witnesses this through a security feed.[85]
The Resonance Cascade[edit]
  • Beneath the anti-mass spectrometer's chamber, Colette Green brings it online and powers it up to 80%. In the chamber itself, Gordon Freeman concurrently starts its rotors.[86][87]
  • The Anomalous Materials team monitoring the experiment's progress power the stage one emitters. Seeing predictable phase arrays, the team activate stage two emitters and, despite the team's objections to Administrator Dr. Wallace Breen, increase power to 105%. Initially concerned by a small discrepancy in their monitoring equipment, it returns within acceptable bounds and the team sustains sequence, informing Freeman the specimen is ready for standard insertion.[86][87]
  • Freeman pushes the sample into the anti-mass spectrometer, causing a resonance cascade. The team fails to shut down the equipment, and several of its members are injured or killed as the equipment around them explodes. Alien creatures begin teleporting in and out of the chamber from Xen, as does Freeman himself, until he passes out for several hours. Beneath the chamber, doctors Cross and Green too fall unconscious.[86][87]
  • Meanwhile, Barney Calhoun witnesses the effects of the resonance cascade after restoring power to Sector G's main access lift for two stuck scientists, with varieties of Xen lifeforms teleporting into the facility and major equipment malfunctions causing several deaths. The main access lift fails and falls to the bottom of its shaft, killing the two scientists and knocking Calhoun out.[85]
Remainder of the morning[edit]
  • Gina Cross and Colette Green regain consciousness. Arming themselves, they fight against alien creatures through the corridors beneath the anti-mass spectrometer to reach doctors Rosenberg and Richard Keller in the control room. While Keller decides to remain to assess the damages received by the equipment, the other three elect to find their way to the surface to call for military assistance.[86]
  • The Experimental Propulsion Laboratory was to perform a test fire in at 10:30 AM, but this never occurs because of the Resonance Cascade.[91]
  • The Cryogenic Safety Crew was to report status at 11:00 AM, but this presumably never occurs because of the Resonance Cascade.[91]
  • Gina Cross and Colette Green escort Dr. Rosenberg through the ruined Black Mesa Training Facility in order to reach the surface.[86]
  • Meanwhile, Gordon Freeman regains consciousness in the anti-mass spectrometer test chamber. With the phone lines cut out, Eli Vance tasks Freeman with getting himself to the surface and seeking help for the science team stranded in the facility.[87]
  • Freeman, Barney Calhoun, Colette Green and Gina Cross fight their way through the facility.[87][85]
  • The HECU arrive at Black Mesa. Adrian Shephard and his squad are attacked by Alien Crafts and their Osprey crashes, leaving Shephard severely injured and unconscious for the rest of the day.[84]
  • The Black Mesa Hazard Course decathlon was to commence at 1900 hours in the Level 3 Facility, but this never occurs because of the Resonance Cascade.[89]
  • Overnight, Freeman successfully launches the rocket.[87]
May 17[edit]
  • Early in the morning, Gina Cross and Colette Green are able to perform a resonance reversal.[86] Their fates, along with Richard Keller's, are unknown.[92]
  • Barney Calhoun successfully escapes Black Mesa with Rosenberg, Simmons, and Walter Bennet.[85]
  • As Gordon Freeman fights his way across the surface towards the Lambda Complex, Adrian Shephard regains consciousness and discovers he's been left behind. Race X creatures appear sometime later.[84]
  • Freeman defeats the Nihilanth, and frees the Vortigaunts.[source?] The G-Man hires him and places him in stasis for nearly 20 years.[87][93]
  • Shephard defeats a Gene Worm as it emerges from an inter-dimensional rift. His persistence draws the attention of the G-Man and his employers who decide to place him in stasis so that he will not disrupt their plans. Black Mesa is destroyed by an atomic bomb.[84][h]
  • As the Black Mesa Research Facility is destroyed, GLaDOS race against Black Mesa is stopped.[9]

Combine invasion of Earth[edit]

Main article: Seven Hour War
Newsclips of this period seen in Black Mesa East.
  • Portal Storms rage on Earth while Xen creatures continue to be teleported. The governments and United Nations provide protection centers located in major cities worldwide.[source?]
  • The Aperture Science Enrichment Center remains in lockdown, with employees still trapped inside. The number of Aperture Science employees diminishes, until there are only a few left.[source?]
  • The Combine launches an assault on Earth. In the Seven Hour War, Earth military forces resist despite being clearly outmatched by the Combine's resources and technology. Wallace Breen, the administrator of the Black Mesa Research Facility, informs the United Nations that he has established communication with the Combine and receives authority to negotiate. He cedes the entire planet to the Combine and becomes Earth's Administrator, responsible for controlling the population under Combine rule.[source?]

Between 200- and 202-[edit]

  • Earth's ecosystems are contaminated by alien fauna, flora and radiation. The Combine activates a field that suppresses human reproduction and introduces a chemical into the water supply that causes forgetfulness.[source?]
  • Surviving Black Mesa scientists, including Isaac Kleiner, Eli Vance and Arne Magnusson, continue to research inter-dimensional technology with the hope of freeing Earth.[source?]
  • Alyx Vance grows up under Combine rule, living in and around the new Earth capital, City 17. She takes an active part in the Resistance.[source?]
  • Isaac Kleiner and Eli Vance each build a teleport in their respective labs not needing a Xen relay with the aid of Alyx Vance and Judith Mossman, among others. The teleport was tested on a cat, whose fate is never revealed. They then continue working on it until Freeman's arrival.[source?]



Main articles: Portal and Portal 2: Lab Rat
  • A short amount of time after the Combine invasion of Earth,[95][96] somewhere around the year 2010,[97] in the Aperture Science computer-aided Enrichment Center, Chell is awoken by GLaDOS who forces her perform seemingly routine tests. However Chell soon learns that the Aperture employees are long dead or escaped, and that GLaDOS is seemingly the only being left in the decaying facility. After much promise of cake at the test's conclusion, Chell is met with an incinerator, which she narrowly escapes, and works her way through the maintenance areas, despite GLaDOS's protests. Eventually, Chell finds GLaDOS's control room, and manages to escape death by neurotoxin by detaching GLaDOS's Personality Cores, and partially destroying her as a result. Chell is forced to the surface by GLaDOS's explosion, only to be dragged away from freedom and back into the facility by the Party Escort Bot. Unknown to Chell however, GLaDOS is still alive.[98]
  • Doug Rattmann, being the one of the last Aperture employees alive, witnesses GLaDOS' destruction. After the Party Escort Bot drags Chell back into the facility, Rattmann feels guilty for Chell's situation and reenters the facility to help her.[99]
  • Despite all that's occurred to both the outside world and the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre, the company receives a purchase order on the 25th of January for a blue sentry turret from a T. Reidford.[100] The order will not begin preparation for roughly 50,000 years.[101][102]

Between 2015 and 2024[edit]

Main article: Half-Life: Alyx
  • Five years before the return of Gordon Freeman and the destruction of the Citadel, Alyx Vance sets out to rescue her captured father, Eli Vance in the Quarantine Zone, a journey which leads them both to discover a powerful "superweapon", which they surmise to be Freeman himself, being held by the Combine in the zone inside of a suspended prison called the Vault. After rescuing her father, she manages to break into the Vault to free its captive, revealed to be the G-Man. The G-Man makes an offer to Alyx, showing her a vision of the future where her father is killed by an Advisor. The G-Man allows Alyx to intervene, saving Eli and killing the Advisor, but it comes at the cost of her freedom as she's then "hired" by the G-Man and put into stasis against her will.[66]


One year before 202-[edit]

  • This is the last time Alyx Vance drives Highway 17.[103]

Between 2020 and 2029[edit]

  • Nearly 20 years after the Black Mesa Incident,[93] Gordon Freeman is awakened by the G-Man after a long period of stasis. He explores City 17, encounters the Resistance and some of his former Black Mesa colleagues. Soon after he joins their cause in the war against the Combine and triggers the uprising of City 17 and his surroundings, becoming the primary target of the Combine. After destroying the Citadel's dark fusion reactor and defeating Wallace Breen, Gordon is put into stasis by the G-Man a second time.[103]
  • Soon after he is freed from stasis by a group of Vortigaunts. Gordon and Alyx Vance flee City 17 and proceed to the Resistance base White Forest, located in the Outlands.[104]
  • The Resistance reverses the Combine Superportal, inflicting a consequent blow to the Combine plans, but Resistance leader Eli Vance is killed by an Advisor at White Forest.[90]
  • The G-Man allows Alyx from five years ago to travel forward in time to this point in order to kill the Advisor before it kills Eli. Alyx of the present is then taken by the G-Man.[66]

Undetermined Time[edit]

  • GLaDOS's partial destruction is followed by a period of inactivity within the Enrichment Center, during which time maintenance systems and Personality Cores maintain its functions. The facility remains in disarray, having become overgrown and dilapidated.[105] Pre-recorded 'Emergency Test Protocols' can oversee test chambers in times of cataclysmic system failure, "remain[ing] functional in apocalyptic, low power environments of as few as 1.1 volts".[source?] Chell spends this time in stasis for over 50 millennia.[101]. At the beginning of her stasis, Chell is under supervision by a remaining Aperture employee, Doug Rattmann.[99]

Far Future[edit]

Circa 52,000s[edit]

Main articles: Portal 2 and Portal 2 storyline
  • After over 50,000[101] years in stasis, Chell is awoken by the personality core Wheatley. Wheatley insists he can secure an escape route out of the Aperture Laboratories, which instead results in the inadvertent reactivation of GLaDOS.[105] As the story progresses, Chell finds herself traversing old condemned Enrichment Spheres originating from earlier than June 15, 1961, at which time Aperture Laboratories was under the direction of Cave Johnson.[102]

See also[edit]


  1. Before being retconned by Portal 2, these events were said to have occurred in 1953 by, the Game Informer timeline, and The Official Guide.
  2. Before being retconned by the Game Informer timeline, 1975 was the original year given following 1957 on
  3. Before being retconned by the Game Informer timeline, these events were said to have occurred in 1978 by
  4. Before being retconned by The Official Guide, this was to be the year Cave Johnson became deathly ill from mercury poisoning, instead being changed to becoming deathly ill from exposure to ground up moon rocks in 1979.
  5. Before being retconned by The Official Guide, these events were said to have taken place in 1979 by, and 1976 by the Game Informer timeline.
  6. Before being retconned by The Official Guide, these events were said to have taken place from 1981 and 1985 by Aperture and the Game Informer timeline.
  7. Half-Life 2 and its episodes imply Freeman was already working at the facility for a period of time before the Black Mesa Incident; Barney Calhoun informs Freeman the former owes the latter a beer, and reminds the latter of who he is when first meeting in the City 17 Trainstation. Isaac Kleiner has a photo of several members of the Anomalous Materials science team, including Freeman, Kleiner, Eli Vance, and Wallace Breen. Alyx Vance reminds Freeman in the City 17 Underground that he and Calhoun would compete by climbing through the facility's air ducts to get into Kleiner's office the fastest whenever he locked himself out. Breen describes Freeman's time at Black Mesa as being a "brief tenure." In Opposing Force, an "Employee of the Month" portrait of Freeman appears in an office in the Black Mesa facility.[84] In Decay, Richard Keller claims Freeman is running late to work "again".[86]
  8. The scene of Black Mesa's destruction as shown in Opposing Force is portrayed as taking place during mid-day, hence after the late evening time of day last seen in the game's concluding chapters. This suggests that the thermonuclear device could have detonated on the following day, May 18. However, the ending sequences involving the G-Man were not intended to be interpreted literally from a visual perspective.[94]


  1. The Marc Laidlaw Vault, ValveTime forums.
  2. The Times, "EARTH SURRENDERS" issue, front page, Half-Life: Alyx.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Engraving on metal railing, Half-Life 2 and Lost Coast.
  4. Cave Johnson pre-recorded message, Perpetual Testing Initiative, Portal 2.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Perpetual Testing Initiative YouTube favicon.png Orientation video on YouTube.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Aperture Fixtures Shower Curtain Salesman of 1943 award, Portal 2.
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 Portal 2: The Official Guide
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 timeline.
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 Aperture Science: A History, Game Informer.
  10. The UP Pioneer Press, "LOCAL ENTREPRENEUR BUYS SALT MINE" issue, front page, Portal 2.
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 Half-Life (PlayStation 2 port) instruction manual.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Half-Life instruction manual.
  13. Test Shaft 09 welcome sign, Portal 2.
  14. Science and Business Institute of America Best New Science Company award of 1947, Portal 2.
  15. The Terminal, VOL. CCXXVIII No. 32, front page, Half-Life: Alyx.
  16. Mechanical Engineering World Journal Top 100 Applied Science Companies award of 1949, Portal 2.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Test Shaft 09 Entrance Way, Lobby and Testing Lounge construction stamp, Portal 2.
  18. US Department of Defense Contractor of the Year award of 1952, Portal 2.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Cave Johnson pre-recorded message, Portal 2.
  20. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 01 Test Chamber 01 "Remember!" sign, Portal 2.
  21. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 01 Test Chamber 01 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  22. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 01 Test Chamber 02 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  23. US Department of Defense Contractor of the Year award of 1954, Portal 2.
  24. 1955 National Potato Board's Spirit of Idaho award, Portal 2.
  25. Pump Station Alpha "Safety First!" poster, Portal 2.
  26. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 01 Test Chamber 02 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  27. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 02 Test Chamber 02 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  28. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 01 Test Chamber 01 "Did You Know?" placard, Portal 2.
  29. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 03 Test Chamber 27 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  30. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 03 Test Chamber 28 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  31. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 03 Test Chamber 27 "Remember!" sign, Portal 2.
  32. Test Shaft 09 vitrification order, Portal 2.
  33. Test Shaft 09 ensealment stamp, Portal 2.
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Cave Johnson pre-recorded message, Portal 2.
  35. Aperture Desk Job.
  36. Turret Lullaby.
  37. Pump Station Beta construction stamp, Portal 2.
  38. Test Shaft 09 1970s Entranceway construction stamp, Portal 2.
  39. Borealis drydock, Portal 2.
  40. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 04 Test Chamber 01 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  41. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 04 Test Chamber 02 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  42. Half-Life opening sequence text.
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Portal ARG.
  44. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 05 Test Chamber 05 construction stamp, Portal 2.
  45. Half-Life: Opposing Force opening sequence text.
  46. Test Shaft 09 elevator to the surface construction stamp, Portal 2.
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 Cave Johnson pre-recorded message, Portal 2.
  48. Test Shaft 09 Test Subject Waiting Area construction stamp, Portal 2.
  49. Test Shaft 09 "Enrich Yourself Today" propaganda poster, Portal 2.
  50. Test Shaft 09 "Thank You For Volunteering!" poster, Portal 2.
  51. Test Shaft 09 "My new boss is a robot!" propaganda poster, Portal 2.
  52. Test Shaft 09 "ROBOTS DON'T SLEEP" propaganda poster, Portal 2.
  53. Test Shaft 09 "Let's Work Together" propaganda poster, Portal 2.
  54. Pump Station Gamma construction stamp, Portal 2.
  55. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 06 test chamber construction stamp, Portal 2.
  56. Image of a cake on GLaDOS's screens, Portal.
  57. "The Girls of Aperture Science" calendar, Portal.
  58. Image of a cake on GLaDOS's screens, Portal.
  59. Image of a cake on GLaDOS's screens, Portal.
  60. Test Shaft 09 Enrichment Sphere 06 test chamber construction stamp, Portal 2.
  61. Perpetual Testing Initiative, Portal 2.
  62. The Lab diagram.
  63. Marc Laidlaw's website.
  64. Portal developer commentary.
  65. Marc Laidlaw's website.
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 Half-Life: Alyx opening sequence text.
  67. 67.0 67.1 Half-Life 2 Prima Official Game Guide.
  68. YouTube favicon.png Aerial Faith Plate #2 on YouTube.
  69. YouTube favicon.png Aperture Investment Opportunity #3: "Turrets" on YouTube.
  70. YouTube favicon.png Portal 2 at E3 2010: Excursion Funnel on YouTube.
  71. YouTube favicon.png Portal 2 at E3 2010: Pneumatic Diversity Vent on YouTube.
  72. YouTube favicon.png Portal 2 at E3 2010: Propulsion Gel on YouTube.
  73. YouTube favicon.png Aperture Investment Opportunity #4: "Boots" on YouTube.
  74. YouTube favicon.png Repulsion Gel #2 on YouTube.
  75. YouTube favicon.png Portal 2 at E3 2010: Thermal Discouragement Beam on YouTube.
  76. Back of photograph of Beatrice, Half-Life: Alyx.
  77. 77.0 77.1 77.2 77.3 77.4 77.5 Half-Life: Opposing Force instruction manual.
  78. 78.00 78.01 78.02 78.03 78.04 78.05 78.06 78.07 78.08 78.09 78.10 78.11 Half-Life: Blue Shift instruction manual.
  79. Eiki LC-XT1 LCD Projector owner's manual.
  80. Terminal Authority card, Half-Life: Alyx.
  81. Terminal Authority card, Half-Life: Alyx.
  82. Amazon listing.
  83. Image of a cake on GLaDOS's screens, Portal.
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 Half-Life: Opposing Force.
  85. 85.00 85.01 85.02 85.03 85.04 85.05 85.06 85.07 85.08 85.09 85.10 Half-Life: Blue Shift.
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 86.4 86.5 86.6 86.7 86.8 86.9 Half-Life: Decay.
  87. 87.00 87.01 87.02 87.03 87.04 87.05 87.06 87.07 87.08 87.09 87.10 87.11 87.12 Half-Life.
  88. Half-Life (PlayStation 2 port).
  89. 89.0 89.1 Black Mesa Transit System announcer, Half-Life.
  90. 90.0 90.1 Half-Life 2: Episode 2
  91. 91.0 91.1 Black Mesa Announcement System, Half-Life
  92. Stephen Bahl as quoted on Marc Laidlaw Vault on the ValveTime Forums
  93. 93.0 93.1 Half-Life 2: Episode One: The Story So Far (archived)
  94. Marc Laidlaw on military forces on Xen (October 4, 2016)
  95. "Valve Plans To Bridge Portal And Portal 2 With A Surprise, Keep Gordon Freeman Out Of It" on
  96. "How Valve Opened Up Portal 2" on
  97. The Final Hours of Portal 2', Chapter 8: The Power of Paint, page 4
  98. Portal 1 temp ref
  99. 99.0 99.1 Lab Rat
  100. Aperture Science Sentry Turret production box
  101. 101.0 101.1 101.2 The Final Hours of Portal 2, Chapter 8: The Power of Paint, page 6
  102. 102.0 102.1 Portal 2
  103. 103.0 103.1 Half-Life 2
  104. Half-Life 2: Episode 1
  105. 105.0 105.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named GI