
From Combine OverWiki, the original Half-Life wiki and Portal wiki
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Steam icon.pngThis user uses Steam under the name Mythos.
Logo discord.pngThis user's DiscordTag is ldmythos.
HLPverse.pngThis user is addicted to the Combine OverWiki!
"I couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer!"
Odessa Cubbage[src]

About me[edit]

I'm a long-time member of the Half-Life community, first joining the now-defunct PHWOnline message boards on September 1, 2007 and registering on the Combine OverWiki on April 22, 2016. I've written a few lousy Half-Life webcomics using Garry's Mod, most notably The Adventures of Hercule Cubbage, and from 2012 to 2024 ran Metrocop, a website dedicated to Half-Life-related articles and archiving Garry's Mod comics, totaling over 700 at the time of writing this bio.

I've heavily depended on the OverWiki for a long time and am trying to give back to it by starting to help out with some cleanups and maybe, eventually, doing some actual work writing pages. Can't really promise much but that's what I'm hoping for right now!

If you need to reach me, the best ways are Steam and Discord, in that order. I don't use Twitter anymore.
