Talk:Locations in the Half-Life and Portal universe

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Table for Ep1&Ep2[edit]

Not too sure about "City 17 streets" in Ep1 and if Borealis should be removed from Ep2 locations and put into "Possible Episode Three locations" section. Ae jarv 21:41, September 15, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed the Episode Two problem by putting White Forest for both Mutual Fiend and T-Minus One. Don't think "Possible Episode Three locations" would be a good idea, as no information has been released about it (well, not enough) and it would just be speculation, and as for the City 17 Streets problem, well, I don't think there is really another option, as the location is undefined and putting City 17 would just be too vague. Smelltheashes 01:22, September 20, 2010 (UTC)


Alright, I've done a poopload of work for this article. I've created the tables for the other games and, well, that's about it. But I am in no way done. I'm not the best at researching, and I've never played Decay, so I need help. Please make sure the Empty infoboxes stay up until the table is confirmed completed. Just anybody who knows a little more than I do, please help this article. It's promising, but in no way good. Maybe when we complete it, we'll decide. Smelltheashes 18:21, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

ADDITION: Also, I fixed the sections. The problem was that there was only one section: Half-Life Universe, which is pointless because that's what the article is about (also, this wiki doesn't cover any other universe). Instead, I changed the section names to separate the HL1, HL2 and portal series. (EDIT: I discovered what to call it: Portal series. Well, you know, Occam's Razor.) Smelltheashes 20:29, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

Construction 2[edit]

This article is almost fixed. I think I had the biggest problem with Opposing Force, but that's only a minor issue compared to the main problem: This article is too focused on the story. I guess I'm partially to blame for basing all HL tables off of the story arc (okay, I'm almost completely to blame), but a solution to this problem I simply cannot think of. If you do, great, I'm sure you could make this article much better than I did. For now, though, the doll template is going up. Smelltheashes 19:41, October 10, 2010 (UTC)