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Vortigaunt/Quotes/Half-Life 2 Episodes

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The following is a list of quotes from the Vortigaunts, from Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two.

Half-Life 2: Episode One[edit]


Location: sound/vo/episode_1/intro

Filename Play

Half-Life 2: Episode Two[edit]

Episode Two Teaser 1 and 2[edit]

Quote Play
This is more than anyone can bear. But we will persevere.

Episode Two Trailer[edit]

Quote Play
Our cause seems hopeless.

Lone Vort[edit]

Victory Mine - first[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_01/intro

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_rbed_byanotherpath Press on, Freeman! I will take her to my kin by another path.
vort_rbed_companions01 My kin will meet us at a sheltered location beneath the surface.
vort_rbed_companions02 We must move her there quickly.
vort_rbed_companions03 I will stabilize her, if the Freeman will provide us with protection.
vort_rbed_freeman Freeman!
vort_rbed_freeman01 Ah, the Freeman!
vort_rbed_freeman02 I am pleased to see at least you are unharmed!
vort_rbed_freeman03 But the Alyx Vance...her condition is grave.
vort_rbed_freeman04 Healing her will require more than I alone can conjure.
vort_rbed_freeman05 Let me summon my kin!
vort_rbed_intomines01 Let us hurry, Freeman.
vort_rbed_intomines02 Help awaits us, in the mines.
vort_rbed_letsgo01a Hurry, Freeman.
vort_rbed_letsgo01b Our hands are occupied.
vort_rbed_letsgo01c Destroy all obstacles!
vort_rbed_letsgo02 Lead on, Freeman!
vort_rbed_letsgo03 Forward, Freeman.
vort_rbed_letsgo04a We must hasten.
vort_rbed_letsgo04b Her state is delicate.
vort_rbed_presson Press on, Freeman! If you are able!
vort_rbed_stucklift Perhaps the Freeman can restore this elevator's functionality.
vort_rbed_thealyx The Alyx Vance!
vort_rbed_usecare Use care, Freeman!
vort_rbed_vemotings01 [Vortigese expressions of shock:]
vort_rbed_whatharm What harm has come?
vort_separation_goodbye02 There are many routes to the junction below-I trust you can find your way to join us there.
vort_separation_goodbye03 If not, your sacrifice shall not be forgotten.
vort_separation_leave01 Freeman, the entrance to the mines is just ahead.
vort_separation_leave02 I cannot fend off antlions and keep the Alyx Vance alive.
vort_separation_leave03 You must draw their aggression so I can hurry her to shelter.
vort_separation_nag01 Freeman, you must attend to the antlions.
vort_separation_nag02 Freeman, go now.
vort_separation_success01 Well done, Freeman!
vort_separation_success02 Success!
vort_separation_success03 Keep on, Freeman!
ol01_vortcall01 N/A
ol01_vortcall02c N/A
ol01_vortresp01 N/A
ol01_vortresp04 N/A

Victory Mine - to the extract[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_03_04/tunnels

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_04_elevator_descend_01 I descend!
vort_04_elevator_descend_02 Abide a moment longer, Freeman, that we may proceed together!
vort_antlions_arrive_01 Antlions!
vort_breakweb02 The sad fate of these others is our good fortune.
vort_breakweb03 Grim piñata....
vort_combat_combined01 It is unfortunate the Freeman's suit permits external harm.
vort_combat_combined02 Your suit shows signs of stress, Freeman!
vort_extract_acidinfo05 Beware the acid-lions. Their corrosive spray permits quick carving of rock passages, but also serves as a strong deterrent to hive robbers like ourselves.
vort_extract_agreed Agreed!
vort_extract_ahyes Ah, yes!
vort_extract_almosthere The lift, Freeman! It is almost here!
vort_extract_amusing Well, this is all very amusing, but we must not forget the gravity of our errand to heal the Alyx Vance.
vort_extract_ancientguard Ah-the ancient guardian! Retrieving the extract may not be unchallenging.
vort_extract_bond01 Truly, Freeman, well done.
vort_extract_bond02 You bear some traits we thought innate to vortikind.
vort_extract_bond03 Antlion husbandry was once our ancestral practice.
vort_extract_bond04 The creatures exude many valuable compounds, but the extract is the most prized by far.
vort_extract_bond05 It dissolves the false veils that divide the vortessence.
vort_extract_bond06 All this you shall witness when—
vort_extract_bounty01 Ah, excellent-a bounty of larval extract.
vort_extract_bounty02 This should only take a moment.
vort_extract_bravely Bravely done, Freeman! When you reach the lower chamber, you must find a way to summon me!
vort_extract_chairman A poignant scene. An eternity's repose. It brings peaceful thoughts, does it not?
vort_extract_constantobst What next in the parade of constant obstacles?
vort_extract_donotkill Remember, do not kill the guardian or the extract will be ruined!
vort_extract_dreamsdonotfollow01 So many crates into the abyss.
vort_extract_dreamsdonotfollow02 I only hope our dreams do not follow them.
vort_extract_fallingtrap01 What did the Freeman expect to find down there?
vort_extract_fallingtrap02 Truly, the Freeman leaves no path unexplored.
vort_extract_finequality01 Secretions of the finest quality.
vort_extract_finequality02 Let us return now to the Alyx Vance.
vort_extract_hardwork01 The scent of ripe perfection beckons.
vort_extract_hardwork02 Follow, Freeman, while I track it to the source.
vort_extract_hardwork03 You have done the hardest work, admitting entrance to this chamber.
vort_extract_hardwork04 Truly, the life of Alyx Vance is in able hands.
vort_extract_howdescend But shall we descend?
vort_extract_humanmark A human is needed...
vort_extract_imbibe Join now as we imbibe the extract.
vort_extract_injuriesdeep01 Her injuries are grave.
vort_extract_injuriesdeep02 This will necessitate deep submersion in the vortessence.
vort_extract_joinmefm01 Please, Freeman.
vort_extract_joinmefm02 Join me.
vort_extract_joinusfree Join us, Freeman!
vort_extract_journeydeep01 I will make the journey to seek the extract deep within the nest, in the sacred nectarium.
vort_extract_journeydeep02 But I cannot hope to bring it back alone.
vort_extract_keen01 The antlions are keen to our presence.
vort_extract_keen02 Expect ever greater resistance as we proceed.
vort_extract_laddertop Ahah! No pit would be complete without a Freeman climbing out of it.
vort_extract_larvalaroma Ah! Such quantities of the larvae... such a heady aroma.
vort_extract_liftalone That lift is too small to hold us both. Go on alone. I will join you when I can!
vort_extract_liftnags01 The lift, Freeman!
vort_extract_liftnags02 The lift has arrived!
vort_extract_liftnags03 The lift awaits, Freeman!
vort_extract_liftnags04 Hurry, Freeman, take the lift aloft!
vort_extract_liftnags05 To the lift, Freeman! Do not wait on me!
vort_extract_magnificently The Freeman has done his task magnificently!
vort_extract_makehaste Make haste!
vort_extract_nearness The guardian's presence guarantees the nearness of larval clusters. They are commonly posted near the young.
vort_extract_observefight Observe how they fight on below, heedless of our escape.
vort_extract_pharynx Miraculous secretion!
vort_extract_pitythegen Pity the generator that requires a Vortigaunt to operate it.
vort_extract_puzzling01 Ah, a puzzling predicament of the sort which the Freeman is famed for swiftly solving.
vort_extract_puzzling02 I will observe with great anticipation!
vort_extract_rejoinplayer02 Fear not, Freeman, for I follow!
vort_extract_savedcrates01 The Freeman is a quick thinker and fast mover.
vort_extract_savedcrates02 I think you will be very glad you saved those crates.
vort_extract_sendup02 I sense the Freeman, down below!
vort_extract_sendup03 Activate the elevator, that we may reconvene!
vort_extract_shaft01 This shaft connects to the chamber above, where my kin sustain the Alyx Vance.
vort_extract_shaft02 Once we have the extract, we can rejoin them quickly, provided we can restore elevator function.
vort_extract_slipperyslope >Careful, Freeman! Recklessness is a slippery slope!
vort_extract_summoned So you have summoned the lift.
vort_extract_theextract02 The extract!
vort_extract_theextract03 The extract!
vort_extract_tothelift01 To the lift, Freeman!
vort_extract_tothelift02 Save yourself!
vort_extract_tothelift03 I have the situation well in hand!
vort_extract_traces These traces of former habitation somehow sadden me.
vort_extract_vibchasm01 Behold! Across the chasm!
vort_extract_vibchasm02 That immense repellant device promises surcease from endless antlion attacks!
vort_extract_vibchasm03 If the Freeman is in agreement, let us find our way to that vibratory haven.
vort_extract_vibdevice A vibratory device! These are most effective at repelling antlions, as the Freeman no doubt remembers.
vort_extract_weightlift I am confident the Freeman will find a way to open that gate, so that we may proceed together.
vort_extract_wemustremain We must remain to keep the Alyx Vance alive!
vort_extract_werequire We require...the larval extract.
vort_extract_wind A wind from below bears the scent of extract. The stuff we seek lies at the bottom of this pit.
vort_extract_wrongway05 We must try another direction... the extract aroma is weaker here.
vort_extract_yescompanion01 Yes, take the Freeman!
vort_extract_yescompanion02 There is no finer companion!
vort_prone_nag_01 Finish them, Freeman!
vort_prone_nag_02 I have disabled them.
vort_prone_nag_03 Now attack!
vort_squishgrub01 They are quite pleasant underfoot, are they not?
vort_squishgrub02 Ah, such a pleasing sound and sensation.
vort_squishgrub03 The grubs are nothing if not...succulent.
vort_squishgrub04 I see you too appreciate the larval pellet's properties!

Victory Mine - canyon[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_05/canyon

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_canyon_enclavesentries01 The humans have their enclave on the rim of this canyon.
vort_canyon_enclavesentries02 I do not see their sentries.
vort_canyon_farfetch Such a theory is hardly far-fetched.
vort_canyon_guardianrage01 The guardian is enraged over our theft of the extract.
vort_canyon_guardianrage02 If it tries to hinder our progress, we will have no choice but to kill it.
vort_canyon_podparade01 Yes, and they carry Shu'ulathoi. Advisors, still in incubation pods.
vort_canyon_podparade02 They gather and unite the scattered Combine forces.
vort_canyon_purpose They move north with great purpose.
vort_canyon_puzzling Puzzling. The sentries should have spotted us by now.
vort_canyon_reside01 I know of humans with a vehicle, not far from here.
vort_canyon_reside02 They will understand our urgent need.
vort_guard_alyxshelter01 Take shelter near the repellant device!
vort_guard_alyxshelter02 The Alyx Vance will be safest where the vibrations are strongest.
vort_guard_alyxshelter03 A vibratory oasis!
vort_guard_killit At this time, you may kill it without consequence!
vort_guard_killit_nag_01 The cries of this Guardian no longer threaten our extract. Kill it, Freeman!
vort_guard_killit_nag_02 Freeman, we cannot proceed while the Guardian yet lives.
vort_guard_killit_nag_03 The Guardian bars our way, but now we are free to destroy it.
vort_guard_killit_nag_04 We cannot summon the lift until the Guardian is dead.
vort_guard_killit_nag_05 If we are to press forward, the Guardian must die.
vort_guard_killit_nag_06 If we are to survive, this Guardian must now die.
vort_guard_killit_nag_08 Kill the Guardian now!
vort_guard_killit_nag_09 The Guardian!
vort_guard_movetolift01 Come now. The vehicle we seek is in the encampment above.
vort_guard_movetolift02 This lift will carry us to where the vehicle awaits.
vort_guard_surfacesighting The guardian!
vort_guard_welldone01 Well done, Freeman!
vort_guard_welldone02 Freeman! You dispatched those guards with great dispatch!

Victory Mine - Muscle Car bridge[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_06/bridge

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_bridge_attempt It appears they attempted an escape, but made it no farther than the abyss
vort_bridge_depleted02 The gun would appear to be powerless.
vort_bridge_farewell Likewise! And farewell! It has been an honor!
vort_bridge_gofm01 Go, Freeman.
vort_bridge_gofm02 I will look after the Alyx Vance.
vort_bridge_honored Our bonds are of nature and require no gratitude.
vort_bridge_hunt01 I fear a more urgent errand demands our attention:
vort_bridge_hunt02 There are Advisors yet unhatched.
vort_bridge_nogoodend01 But came to no good end themselves.
vort_bridge_nogoodend02 Headcrabs have had their way with both parties.
vort_bridge_recommend We recommend the Freeman for this task.
vort_bridge_takeupaim01 That condition will not last long if you plunge into the toxins below.
vort_bridge_takeupaim02 We would do well to lend our protection from above, while Freeman skirts the hazards in the pit.
vort_bridge_thismountgun This mounted gun may prove useful.
vort_bridge_thisroad This road will take you near White Forest, but be wary that others may use it as well.

Healing Alyx[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_02/junction

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_junc_ahfreeman Ah. Freeman. It is well.
vort_junc_ahfreeman02 Ah, the Freeman.
vort_junc_almostvortal Almost vortal, this bond between you...
vort_junc_assistance01 The Alyx Vance clings to the margins.
vort_junc_assistance02 My kin are still some distance away.
vort_junc_assistance03 For now we must not be disturbed.
vort_junc_attendtoalyx We must attend to the Alyx Vance.
vort_junc_badlyinjured02 The Combine Hunters caused traumatic injury...
vort_junc_behold Behold!
vort_junc_bye01 Farewell!
vort_junc_bye02 Go safely!
vort_junc_bye03 Travel well!
vort_junc_closerfm Closer, Freeman!
vort_junc_ebbs She ebbs!
vort_junc_exhausted We have exhausted their immediate number.
vort_junc_fmcomecloser01 Closer, Freeman!
vort_junc_fmcomecloser02 The Alyx Vance requires a tether to the human realm.
vort_junc_fmsignature01 Freeman...
vort_junc_fmsignature02 Come close...
vort_junc_fmsignature03 As one of her race, her frequency,
vort_junc_fmsignature04 we require your vortal signature.
vort_junc_fmstandnear The Freeman must stand near.
vort_junc_immeasurable We have averted an immeasurable loss.
vort_junc_inamongus In among us! Now!
vort_junc_keephunting We will continue our hunt for Advisors.
vort_junc_killedmanyyet01 We killed many antlions.
vort_junc_killedmanyyet02 Yet many more remain.
vort_junc_knit We knit shattered bone and restored circulatory integrity.
vort_junc_liestill Lie still.
vort_junc_loseherloseall If we lose her, we lose all!
vort_junc_matterhours A matter of hours.
vort_junc_momentlonger A moment longer...
vort_junc_nextmatter Now to the next matter of urgency.
vort_junc_nopulse01 No pulse!
vort_junc_nopulse02 Her heart has stopped!
vort_junc_object There is no time. More antlions approach.
vort_junc_pathtowf Come, then. I will get you on the path to White Forest.
vort_junc_quicken Yes...there is a quickening...
vort_junc_quietthem We shall quiet them.
vort_junc_realms Yet it was the Freeman who retrieved your vortessence.
vort_junc_rightroad No fear. We will put you on the right road
vort_junc_rise Now...try carefully to rise.
vort_junc_stabilizing02 Her vortal form has regained integrity.
vort_junc_stirs She stirs!
vort_junc_thealyxvance The Alyx Vance!
vort_junc_weavelife We weave the Freeman's life with hers.
vort_junc_weweredelayed Our delay—regrettable.
vort_turret_defendus Defend us!
vort_turret_helpcall01 We need help!
vort_turret_helpcall04 We are under attack!
vort_turret_protectalyx Protect the Alyx Vance!
vort_turret_protectus Protect us!


Location: sound/vo/outland_11a/silo

Secondary silo[edit]

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_silo_admit The Magnusson has instructed me to admit you into the secondary silo.
vort_silo_honor If you would take the Freeman from here I can return to my place of honor at the side of the Magnusson.
vort_silo_maghonor01 It is an honor to have been accepted among the Magnusson's staff.
vort_silo_maghonor02 Truly, the Magnusson's mind is akin to a force of nature.
vort_silo_maghonor03 The Vortessence runs strong in the Magnusson.
vort_silo_regrettablytrue Regrettably true.
vort_silo_thruhere The secondary silo can be reached through here.

Magnusson device training[edit]

Filename(s) Quote Play
vort_tutor_deactive01 For the safety of the base, these devices are deactivated.
vort_tutor_deactive02 They cannot explode like those you will find in the field.


Location: sound/vo/npc/vortigaunt

Many of the same lines as Half-life 2, however said by Tony Todd rather than Louis Gossett Jr.

Filename(s) Quote Play
acceptcharge Accept a charge.
acceptenergy Accept energy.
accompany Gladly we accompany.
alert Alert.
alert_antlions N/A, no transcript available
allfornow That is all for now.
allinoneinall All in one and one in all.
allowrecharge Allow us to recharge your cells.
allwecanspare That is all we can spare.
allwehave All we have is yours.
assent Assent.
bodyyours This body is yours to command.
cannotfire We cannot fire without harm to the Freeman.
caution Caution!
cautionfm Caution, Freeman!
cautionfm02 Use caution, Freeman.
dedicate We dedicate ourselves to your purpose.
done Done.
dreamed We have dreamed of this moment.
empowerus Empower us!
energyempower Its energy empowers us.
fmaccompany The Freeman will please accompany us.
fmadvance The Freeman must advance.
fmbeware Freeman beware!
fmcanuse The Freeman can make use of this.
fmdoesushonor The Freeman does us honor.
fmhonorsus The Freeman honors us.
fminway The Freeman is in our way.
fmknowsbest The Freeman knows best.
fmmustbeware The Freeman must beware!
fmmustfollow The Freeman must follow.
fmmustmove The Freeman must move.
fmstandstill The Freeman must stand still.
followfm Follow, Freeman.
forfreedom For Freedom!
forthefm For the Freeman!
forward Forward!
freeman Freeman.
giveover Give over your essence.
gladly Gladly.
gloriousend To our glorious end.
halt Halt.
hastefm Make haste, Freeman.
here Here.
herewestay Here we stay.
hold Hold.
holdorcantcharge Hold still or we cannot charge you.
holdstill Hold still.
honorfollow To our honor we follow you.
honorours The honor is ours.
ifyoumove If you move we cannot help you.
keepfmsafe That should keep the Freeman safe.
leadon Lead on.
leadus Lead us.
movingtarget We cannot heal a moving target.
mutual Our purpose is mutual.
nodenexus Node and nexus, feed upon this life!
onward Onward!
ourplacehere Our place is here.
passon Pass on!
pleasure With pleasure.
prepare Prepare to receive energy.
prevail We shall prevail.
propitious Propitious alliance.
regrettable This is regrettable.
returntoall Return to the all in one.
returnvoid Return to the void.
satisfaction Satisfaction.
standclear Stand clear.
surge We surge.
tethercut The tether is cut.
thatisall That is all.
tothevoid To the void with you.
troubleus That one shall trouble us no more.
undeserving Undeserving of consciousness.
vort_attack01-23 [vort attack sounds] Example (vort_attack21)
vort_excellent Excellent!
vort_excellentshooting Excellent shooting!
vort_excellentshot Excellent shot!
vort_exceptional Exceptional.
vort_fmisinvcomp The Freeman is an invaluable companion.
vort_goodfightwithus It is good that you fight with us.
vort_goodtogether It is good now that we work together.
vort_grp_agree01 Just so.
vort_grp_agree02 Agreed!
vort_grp_agree03 Mmmm.
vort_grp_agree04 Ah...
vort_grp_agree05 Yes.
vort_grp_agree06 Indeed.
vort_grp_agree07 Well stated.
vort_grp_greetings04 Ah...
vort_skillsformidable (vort_killsformidable in cc) Your skills are formidable.
vortigese02 [vortigese]
vortigese03 [vortigese]
vortigese04 [vortigese]
vortigese05 [vortigese]
vortigese07 [vortigese]
vortigese08 [vortigese]
vortigese09 [vortigese]
vortigese13 [vortigese]
ware Ware!
warefm Ware, Freeman!
warningfm Warning to the Freeman.
weareyours We are yours.
weclaimyou We claim you!
wefollowfm We follow the Freeman.
wellmet Well met, Freeman.
weshare We shall share the vortessence.
wewillcharge We will charge you.
wewillhelp We will help you.
yes Yes!
yesforward Yes, forward.


Lone Vort[edit]

Victory Mine - first[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_01/intro

Filename(s) Quote
vort_rbed_altroute We must part ways, Freeman! Lead the antlions away!
vort_rbed_antlions These antlions will not let us proceed in peace.
vort_rbed_awake Awake! Arise!
vort_rbed_distract The Freeman must distract the antlions.
vort_rbed_nomatter01 No matter!
vort_rbed_nomatter02 We shall proceed by another path!
vort_rbed_nomatter03 We trust the Freeman's ingenuity will bring us back into proximity!
vort_separation_goodbye01 Freeman! You have cleared our path, but yours is less clear.
Victory Mine - to the extract[edit]

Location: <code>sound/vo/outland_03_04/tunnels

Filename(s) Quote
vort_03_urgent_idle_01 I sense the Alyx Vance's thread unraveling.
vort_03_urgent_idle_02 Let us hurry, Freeman.
vort_03_urgent_idle_03 We must make haste.
vort_03_urgent_idle_04 The Alyx Vance depends on our success.
vort_03_urgent_idle_05 I feel it - she fades.
vort_03_urgent_idle_06 Onward, Freeman!
vort_03_urgent_idle_07 The Alyx Vance cannot remain corporeal for much longer.
vort_03_urgent_idle_08 We must hasten.
vort_04_enter_elevator_01 Freeman!
vort_04_enter_elevator_02 Attend!
vort_04_enter_elevator_03 Summon the elevator!
vort_acid_01 Beware, Freeman, acid!
vort_acid_02 These ones burn flesh!
vort_antlions_arrive_02 Antlions approach!
vort_basket_puzzle_01 That appears to have had some effect.
vort_basket_puzzle_02 The Freeman's plan is working!
vort_basket_puzzle_03 Continue that line of action, Freeman.
vort_basket_success_01 Well done.
vort_basket_success_02 The way is unbarred.
vort_basket_success_03 We must press forward!
vort_breakweb01 Others of your kind less fortunate must have sheltered here.
vort_extract_accompany Now, Freeman. Accompany!
vort_extract_aciddamage01 We have learned to exterminate the acid-lions from a distance.
vort_extract_aciddamage02 Beware their caustic spray!
vort_extract_aciddamage03 Avoid close contact, Freeman!
vort_extract_aciddamage04 Explosive pest!
vort_extract_aciddamage05 Direct contact with such a foe is hardly wise.
vort_extract_aciddamage06 Save your skills in melee for less explosive enemies.
vort_extract_acidinfo01 Beware, the acid-lions spit from a distance!
vort_extract_acidinfo02 Guard yourself against the corrosive spray!
vort_extract_acidinfo03 Such spittle-it burns.
vort_extract_acidinfo04 From afar, they squirt their acid!
vort_extract_agreed02 Agreed!
vort_extract_antsahead01 Careful, Freeman, although far from clever, the antlions will ambush us where they can.
vort_extract_antsahead02 They lurk, just ahead!
vort_extract_antsahead03 Be cautious at each turn!
vort_extract_counterintuitive Although it seems counterintuitive, I believe we must ascend to reach the nectarium.
vort_extract_covert This calls for covert progress rather than confrontation.
vort_extract_densrundeep01 Freeman, attend.
vort_extract_densrundeep02 These antlion dens run deep.
vort_extract_densrundeep03 In every nest, there is a great nectarium where the creatures store their most precious glandular extract.
vort_extract_densrundeep04 We vortikind possess an ancient affinity with this peculiar secretion, and know how to transmute its properties.
vort_extract_densrundeep05 But the route is bound to be hazardous.
vort_extract_densrundeep06 Your aide is most appreciated.
vort_extract_dire Dire sublimity!
vort_extract_elude The Freeman must not kill the guardian! Its death cries would curdle the extract!
vort_extract_emergency —But hold! The Alyx Vance is slipping away... We must hurry!
vort_extract_findaway01 Surely the Freeman can find a way to activate this lift.
vort_extract_findaway02 The Alyx Vance depends on us.
vort_extract_findnectarium01 Press on to the nectarium!
vort_extract_findnectarium02 I sense the extract grows near. We must hurry!
vort_extract_findnectarium03 We are on the right path to the nectarium.
vort_extract_findnectarium04 Do you smell it, Freeman? The extract? The nectarium is near.
vort_extract_findnectarium05 Each step brings us nearer to the nectarium. We must not tarry.
vort_extract_findnectarium06 Forward, Freeman! To the nectarium
vort_extract_findnectarium07 The route is circuitous, but arrival in the nectarium is guaranteed.
vort_extract_flipants01 We make an admirable team with the Freeman.
vort_extract_flipants02 The Freeman is a worthy companion.
vort_extract_flipants03 We work well together!
vort_extract_flipants04 Ably done!
vort_extract_flipants05 What skill!
vort_extract_fmhurry The Freeman must hurry!
vort_extract_fmitistime Freeman, it is time!
vort_extract_fmnotime There is no time to tarry!
vort_extract_fortunately Fortunately we have the Freeman...
vort_extract_haltattend Halt, Freeman! And attend!
vort_extract_hence Hence, Freeman!
vort_extract_liftarrived The lift has arrived! Go quickly!
vort_extract_liftmovesnot01 The power has been restored, but still the lift moves not.
vort_extract_liftmovesnot02 There must be something more the Freeman can do!
vort_extract_logic I detect a dawning light of logic in the Freeman's eyes!
vort_extract_merge Merge with the vortessence!
vort_extract_nocrates Those crates were almost certainly of no value.
vort_extract_notwise That was not perhaps the wisest of the Freeman's decisions.
vort_extract_promising The density of antlions is most promising. It all but ensures that we will find larval extract in the lower reaches.
vort_extract_recalcitrance01 Freeman, it would be good to counteract the lift's recalcitrance, that we may proceed.
vort_extract_recalcitrance02 The life of Alyx Vance is in our keeping!
vort_extract_rejoinplayer01 I am with you, Freeman!
vort_extract_rejoinplayer03 I follow the Freeman!
vort_extract_reunite01 Ah, Freeman!
vort_extract_reunite02 Ahoy, Freeman.
vort_extract_reunite03 Well met, Freeman.
vort_extract_reunite04 The Freeman has been missed.
vort_extract_reunite05 Truly, Freeman — too long have we been apart.
vort_extract_secure We should proceed secure in the belief of copious larval extract in a nest of this size.
vort_extract_sendup01 Freeman! Send up the elevator!
vort_extract_sendup04 Switch on the elevator!
vort_extract_sensor If this sensor is anything like the others, it is attuned to the presence of antlions.
vort_extract_sheerbulk01 The sheer bulk of this machinery suggests a brute force solution.
vort_extract_sheerbulk02 But do not neglect the small and obvious details.
vort_extract_strikeforth Freeman, we must strike forth!
vort_extract_theextract The extract!
vort_extract_tothelift To the lift, Freeman!
vort_extract_vastnectarium Ahhh! Never have I witnessed such a vast nectarium! Any extract taken from this nest will be of highest quality!
vort_extract_vibrespite That vibratory device may offer us some respite from our present foes.
vort_extract_weapons01 The Freeman's weapons, though inferior, seem sufficient for the task.
vort_extract_weapons02 Would that they were innate and required no replenishment.
vort_extract_weighty This is a weighty matter, well suited to a physicist of your stature.
vort_extract_willfollow I will follow the Freeman when I can.
vort_extract_wrongway01 We stray, Freeman!
vort_extract_wrongway02 We have taken a wrong turning. The nectarium lies elsewhere.
vort_extract_wrongway03 The scent of extract grows weaker!
vort_extract_wrongway04 We are moving away from the nectarium. We must try another path.
vort_extract_wrongway06 This is not the way to the nectarium.
vort_extract_wrongway07 We must retrace our steps and try another route to the nectarium.
vort_extract_yesthefm01 Take the Freeeman, yes!
vort_extract_yesthefm02 Yes, take the Freeman, ah yes!
vort_extract_youareonto Yes, yes, I can see you are on to something!
vort_f-playerahead N/A, to transcript available
Victory Mine - canyon[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_05/canyon

Filename(s) Quote
vort_canyon_advisor01 Ah yes, that is an advisor.
vort_canyon_advisor02 Many were dispersed from the citadel when its destruction was imminent.
vort_canyon_advisor03 Now with overwatch decapitated they will mobilize local forces until ties are reestablished with the realm of command.
vort_canyon_podparade03 That is why we must hunt and kill all we can before they emerge and gain their full power.
vort_canyon_twof I fear at first, to white forest.
vort_guard_killit_nag_07 Kill it, Freeman!
vort_guard_welldone03 Ah, it is a pity the guardians are out of season. No pheropods.
Victory Mine - Muscle Car bridge[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_06/bridge

Filename(s) Quote
vort_bridge_depleted01 Its power supply is depleted.
vort_bridge_gunlacks It is conceivable I can supply the power this gun lacks.
vort_bridge_host01 I detect numerous host-parasites in the depths.
vort_bridge_host02 The recent refugees have had no experience in repelling common predators.
vort_bridge_hunt03 We must see to it that they remain so.

Healing Alyx[edit]

Location: sound/vo/outland_02/junction

Filename(s) Quote
vort_junc_badlyinjured01 For a moment, indeed, you were.
vort_junc_donotmove Move not.
vort_junc_givemoretime This will give you more time.
vort_junc_momentlonger02 A moment longer.
vort_junc_myplace01 My place is here.
vort_junc_myplace02 I must not be interrupted.
vort_junc_nothingchanged To our knowledge, he is still at White Forest, working on the portal shield.
vort_junc_stabilizing01 She is stabilizing.
vort_junc_strengthtoproceed If you have the strength, we should proceed.
vort_junc_tosurface Come, Freeman. To the surface!
vort_turret_helpcall02 Defend me!
vort_turret_helpcall03 Come to me!
vort_turret_helpcall05 Protect us!
vort_turret_helpcall06 We need your protection!
vort_turret_helpcall07 Clear away these antlions!
vort_turret_helpcall08 If I die, the Alyx Vance is lost!
vort_turret_helpcall09 To me, Freeman!
vort_turret_keepthemaway Keep them away!
vort_turret_mustbestopped They must be stopped!
vort_turret_notinterrupt No interruptions!
vort_turret_use01 Bother us not!
vort_turret_use02 No interruptions!
vort_turret_use03 You must not distract me from sustaining the Alyx Vance.


Location: sound/vo/outland_11a/silo

Secondary silo[edit]
Filename(s) Quote
vort_silo_ahalyx Ah, the Alyx Vance
vort_silo_freeman Freeman!
vort_silo_mag_brag01 Heed well the Magnusson's words.
vort_silo_mag_brag02 The Magnusson speaks true.
vort_silo_mag_brag03 Wiser words were never spoken, save possibly by the Magnusson.
vort_silo_mag_brag04 You are fortunate indeed to have the Magnusson's guidance in this matter.
vort_silo_mag_brag05 Such time spent with the Magnusson can be no less than the qualitative high point of the Freeman's existence.
vort_silo_mag_brag06 Well said. The Magnusson has once again come to the heart of the matter.
vort_silo_magbestsuited Perhaps the Magnusson is best suited to operate the Magnusson device.
vort_silo_magdidwell01 Freeman!
vort_silo_magdidwell02 The Magnusson did well to choose you for that task!
vort_silo_magdidwell03 Once again, his judgment proves impeccable.
vort_silo_magrespected The Magnusson is much respected.
vort_silo_norefrigeration The Magnusson device requires no refrigeration.
vort_silo_returntomag If you would take the Freeman from here I can return to my place of honor at the side of the Magnusson.
vort_silo_thankstomag Thanks to the Magnusson.
vort_silo_thisway01 This way and quickly.
vort_silo_thisway02 Your peers await.
vort_silo_thisway03 Follow, Freeman.
Magnusson device training[edit]
Filename(s) Quote
vort_tutor_custom01 Is the Freeman unfamiliar with the custom of knocking?
vort_tutor_custom02 I had thought it was widespread.
vort_tutor_knock Hm, we had thought the custom of knocking was universal.
vort_tutor_novelmethods As time permits, you must familiarize me with your own novel methods for finding entry.


Location: sound/vo/npc/vortigaunt

Filename(s) Quote
above Above.
abovefm Above the Freeman.
advancefm Advance, Freeman.
alert_soldiers Soldiers!
approaches Something approaches.
asound A sound.
behindfm Behind the Freeman.
behindyou Behind you!
below Below!
belowfm Below the Freeman!
beware Beware!
byvort By the Vortessence!
choicemade The choice is made.
claimvort Reclaim the Vortessence!
cordcut His cord is cut.
downhere Do not hesitate.
downthere Down here!
downthere Down there!
enough Enough.
fearnotfm Fear not, Freeman.
finished Finished.
fittingend This is a fitting end.
fmmustcaution The Freeman must use caution.
fmmustnotfear The Freeman must not fear.
fmsilent The Freeman must be silent.
forbearfm Forbear, Freeman.
forcause For the cause of the All-in-One.
greetingsfm Greetings to the Freeman.
hark Hark.
heal01 Your energies require our assistance, Freeman.
heal02 It is a pleasure to heal the Freeman.
heal03 The Freeman must be healed.
heal04 Allow us to treat your wounds.
heal05 We have no medkit, but this should suffice.
healscanharm What heals can also harm.
hurryonfm Hurry, Freeman.
isitthefm Is it the Freeman?
itisthefm It is the Freeman.
lookwell Look well.
losesight May we never lose sight of the All-in-One, the One-in-All.
obstruction Let us see this obstruction's true nature.
onepasses One passes but we live on.
onesurvives While one survives, so live we all.
overthere Over there!
preparetomerge Prepare to merge with the void.
proceedfm Proceed, Freeman.
reasondelay Is there reason for delay?
recsilence We recommend silence.
regrettable02 Regrettable.
rememberus Remember us.
seenworse Satisfaction.
silence Silence.
thatsound That sound.
thefreeman The Freeman.
there There!
trulyitis Truly it is the Freeman.
untethered This one is untethered.
upthere Up there.
utmostprotect We shall do our utmost to protect the Freeman.
veillifted May the veil be switfly lift or, if not lifted, rent.
vmourn01 The Bright One perishes.
vmourn02 The opener's way has shut.
vmourn03 The Freeman must not fear, only merge.
vmourn04 In the Vortessence there is no end.
vmourn05 Such postures are but fleeting.
vmourn06 It is but the blink of an eye.
vmourn07 This is not the end.
vmourn08 The Freeman lives on in us.
vmourn09 The Freeman's cord is cut.
vmourn10 The Freeman's cord is cut.
vmourn11 The Freeman is no longer.
vmourn12 Such is mortality.
voidlaysclaim The Void lays claim to its own.
vort_call01-19 [vort calls]
vort_chant01-24 [vort chanting]
vort_doublekill Doublekill!
vort_fmishelpful The Freeman is most helpful.
vort_fmthankyou Freeman, thank you.
vort_grp_agree08 We are of one mind in this matter.
vort_grp_greetings01 Greetings.
vort_grp_greetings02 It is well.
vort_grp_greetings03 Mmmm...
vort_grp_greetings05 Yes...
vort_mant01-18 [vort speak]
vort_outstanding Outstanding!
vort_pain01-16 [vort pain]
vort_reputationdeserved Your reputation was not undeserved.
vort_thankyoufm Thank you, Freeman.
vort_thankyoutrouble Thank you—that was troublesome.
vort_tofm To Freeman!
vort_weaponwell You handle your weapon well, Freeman.
vort_welldonefm Well done, Freeman!
vortfails This vortality fails.
vortigese01,vortigese06,vortigese10-12 [vortigese]
weareone Waver not, Freeman.
wefinish We claim you.
wefollowfm We follow the Freeman.
wegowillingly We go willingly.
N/A [vort healing]
N/A [vort healing]
N/A [vort healing]
N/A Hardly an adversary.
N/A Human host.
N/A Quite a display.
N/A Simple as vorting squits in a volasill.
N/A Unworthy foe!