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Alyx Vance/Quotes/Half-Life 2 pre-release

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This article is a transcript of all of the quotes from a given character or entity. Unless noted otherwise, these transcripts are sourced directly from the official scripts, closed captions, or internal text data with only minimal modifications for typos and formatting purposes.

The following is a list of quotes from Alyx Vance, from Half-Life 2’s development.


Location: sound/temp/alyx (No text data)

Part of the "temp" folder containing the oldest known Alyx sounds, made by two different voice actresses prior to Merle Dandridge's recording.

Consists of dialog from the Skyscraper chapter, after Gordon and Alyx crash in it upon returning from the Weather Control.

Filename(s) Quote
skyscraper Gordon! I'm hurt! Can't move! Go on without me, find my father! There's an emergency bunker near the inner gates, he's in command there. Tell him that I... Aaah...
alsky I'm hurt. Can't move. Go on without me. Find my father. There's an emergency bunker near the inner gates. He'll be in command there. Tell him I... Run.
(More recent version of the previous quote, with higher sound quality and acting)


Location: sound/temp/alyx (No text data)

Part of the "temp" folder containing the oldest known Alyx sounds, made by two different voice actresses prior to Merle Dandridge's recording.

Part of the dialog from the original Citadel confrontation with the Consul and Elena Mossman. Only Alyx's line are featured in the files.

Filename(s) Quote
citadel1 Huh! Let go of me, you bitch!
citadel2 Gordon! Don't listen to them. You know what you have to do.
citadel3 What do you mean, you speak for humanity? You can't speak for something you're not a part of anymore. Call yourself "Consul" or whatever you want, but you're really just another cog in the Combine machinery.


Location: sound/temp/alyx

Part of the "temp" folder containing the oldest known Alyx sounds, made by two different voice actresses prior to Merle Dandridge's recording.

Consists of a quote in which Alyx's introduces her "cache", as well as miscellaneous quotes to be said during actions sequences.

Each file in the "misc" series has a variant with distorted sound and the suffix "lwv". They are not included here.

Filename(s) Quote
cache Well, here we are... It's not home exactly. I never stay anywhere long enough to call it home. But it has all the comfort, you know, like food, and water, weapons, and ammo. Make yourself comfortable. You can charge up your batteries over there. I got some stuff to take care of and... then we'll get moving. (No text data)
misc1 you comin
misc2 look, do you want my help or not (used in the WC map pack map "ms_lab")
misc3 If you want my help you better get moving (used in the WC map pack map "ms_lab")
misc4 try to keep up okay? (used in the WC map pack map "ms_lab")
misc5 get down
misc6 keep quiet
misc7 they're out there
misc8 get moving
misc9 go
misc10 get back
misc11 uh oh
misc12 keep moving
misc13 gordon
misc14 over here!
misc15 quick!
misc16 you go first
misc17 get down there
misc18 cover me
misc19 I'm going in
misc20 what are we waiting for?

E3 demonstrations[edit]


E3 2002 demonstration involving a Strider attacking Citizens on the streets and Alyx and Gordon fleeing in the sewers in which a Combine Soldier is impaled by a Hydra.

Location: sound/vo/alyx_strider

These quotes are from an early actress used for E3 2002, and include both Strider and Hydra sequences.

Filename(s) Quote
alyx_01 It's seen us! Run! (No text data)
alyx_02 Don't wait for me, Gordon, keep running! (No text data)
alyx_03 over here, c'mon!
alyx_04 follow me
alyx_05 okay. come on down.
alyx_06 uh oh.
alyx_07 we're finished.


Location: sound/vo/e3_hydra

These quotes are from Merle Dandridge, and consist of an updated dialog for the Hydra sequence originally made E3 2002, reused for the end of the E3 2003 demo "Tunnels", in which Gordon reunites with Alyx after being separated.

Filename(s) Quote
alyx_thereyouare01, alyx_thereyouare02, alyx_runintotrouble, alyx_uhoh There you are. I wondered what was keeping you. Hope you didn't have any trouble finding me. Uh oh.

"Kleiner's Lab"[edit]

Location: sound/vo/e3_lab

E3 2003 demonstration set at Kleiner's Lab, with dialog between Alyx and Kleiner, ending with a Strider's blasting through the wall.

Filename(s) Quote
alyx_snapout Gordon, Gordon snap out of it!
alyx_staringagain You're staring at me again.
alyx_areyousure Are you sure you don't want me to swap out the polarizer?
alyx_hopeso1 Huh. I hope so.
alyx_hopeso2 For all our sakes.
alyx_imsorrygordon1 I'm sorry Gordon
alyx_imsorrygordon2 I can't help thinking that this isn't going to work.
alyx_imsorrygordon3 we should have listened to my father and done it his way.
alyx_imsorrygordon4 it's just
alyx_imsorrygordon5 this is the first time I've had any hope of really striking back at the combine
alyx_imsorrygordon6 and now, we're sitting ducks unless we can get this thing running.
alyx_cmondoc Come on Doctor Kleiner, is it gonna work or not?
alyx_scanners1 Maybe we should just cut our losses and
alyx_scanners2 Listen!
alyx_scanners3 Scanners!
alyx_thatsit That's it. We've gotta get moving.
alyx_takethis Here Gordon, take this.
alyx_getout Let's get outta here.
alyx_toolate It's too late. Run!


Kleiner's Lab 1[edit]

Location: sound/vo/k_lab

Filename(s) Quote
al_aboutthecat Hey, uh, yeah. About that cat. (Same as retail)
al_allrightdoc Uh-oh. Everything all right, Doctor Kleiner? (Same as retail)
al_animalperson Barney... You're not an animal person? (Same as retail)
al_buymeadrink Mind buying me a drink?
al_buyyoudrink01 to al_buyyoudrink03 Hmm. Here. Let me buy you a drink. (Same as retail)
al_careful Careful there. (Same as retail)
al_checkguyout01 to al_checkguyout06 Ahem. Hmmm. Check this out. The last newspaper ever printed. And this guy on the cover. Gordon Freeman?
al_cmonfreeman Uh - Doctor Freeman. Come on. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_comingthru He's coming through, Dad. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_comingwith Don't worry. He's coming with me. (Same as retail)
al_dadsays01 My dad says, back at Black Mesa, you couldn't walk into a room without breaking a beaker. (No text data)
al_dadsays02 Or making the microwave oven explode. (No text data)
al_dietregular Diet or regular?
al_docsays01 If Dr. Kleiner says you should wear that thing... (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_docsays02 You should wear it. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_docswaiting01 Well, come on.
al_docswaiting02 Dr. Kleiner's waiting.
al_docswaiting03 We've all been waiting.
al_figureclothes How hard can it be to figure out your clothes? (No text data)
al_foundhim I found him wandering around outside. Bit of a troublemaker, isn't he? (Same as retail)
al_freemanright Gordon Freeman, right?
al_givemeahand Could you give me a hand here? (No text data)
al_gogetyou Go out and get you. (No text data)
al_gotcompany01 Dr. Kleiner?
al_gotcompany02 We've got company.
al_handle Nothing I can handle. (No text data)
al_herewego Here we go. (No text data)
al_heydoc Hey Doc. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_imalyx Hi. I'm Alyx Vance.
al_itsthere It's right there, Gordon. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_keepitgoing Keep it going, Gordon. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_letsdoit Then let's do it. (Same as retail)
al_lostgordon We just lost Gordon. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_moveon01 Ahem. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_moveon02 Let's get a move on. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_muchtrouble I hope you made it here without too much trouble.
al_myfather Have you heard from my father yet?
al_mysterious Mysterious, aren't you?
al_nocombine Uh, we don't want the whole Combine coming down on us.
al_notonfoot We're not going on foot.
al_pickplug Pick up the plug.
al_plugitin Would you mind plugging it in?
al_problemdoc Uh, doctor, is there a problem?
al_readyforus Are you ready for us, Dad? (Same as retail)
al_reputation I see you're living up to your reputation already. (No text data)
al_sameguy But this was a long time ago. How could you be the same guy?
al_screechinghalt What did I expect from the man who brought civilization to a screeching halt?
al_seeifitworks Let's just see if this thing works, okay? (Same as retail)
al_showonroad Meanwhile, let's get this show on the road. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_socket There's the socket.
al_soundslikeyou Sure looks a lot like you.
al_standback Stand back. (No text data)
al_takecredit I can't take any credit for the breakthrough, Doctor. (Same as retail)
al_thanks Great, thanks.
al_thatsit That's it. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_theplug Uh, Doctor? The plug? (Same as retail)
al_there Uh - there. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_thereheis There he is! (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_theswitch The switch, Doctor Freeman. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_throwswitch You gonna let Gordon throw the switch? (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_uhoh Uh-oh. (No text data)
al_unplugged I think this came unplugged.
al_whatcat01 What cat? (Same as retail)
al_whatcat02 What cat? (Same as retail)
al_whatsgoingon What's going on? (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_wontlook Don't worry. I won't look. (Same as retail) (No text data)
al_woohoo Woohoo! (No text data)
al_youmadeit You made it. (No text data)

Black Mesa East[edit]

Location: sound/vo/eli_lab (No text data)

Filename(s) Quote
al_autocycle We're in the airlock, stuck in a full auto cycle unless someone can override it!
al_bethere01 Alright Dad, I'll be right there.
al_bethere02 I... I can't believe he got through.
al_bethere03 Out!
al_canthiswait Uh, Judith, can this wait? We've got somewhere else to be.
al_comedog01 Dog, come!
al_comedog02 Come here boy!
al_conduct01 Which is exactly why I'm making sure he knows the rules of conduct.
al_conduct02 It's gonna be hard to keep hidden if he stirs the Antlions every time he steps outside. Now if you'll excuse us.
al_dad_ques01 Dad?
al_dad_scared01 Dad?
al_dad_scared02 Dad!
al_dogairlock01 Damnit!
al_dogairlock02 Dog. Open the airlock, get us out of here.
al_doyouread Dad? Dad, this is Alyx. Do you read?
al_fatherwhere My father. Where?
al_fullwave Dad. We just saw a full wave of scanners coming in.
al_getitopen01 Hurry!
al_getitopen02 Now. Tear it apart if you have to. Just get it open.
al_goafter01 Gordon.
al_goafter02 We have to go after them.
al_hidad Hi, Dad.
al_honest01 [chuckles] So you've met Dr. Mossman.
al_honest02 She's one of the reasons I spend so much time outside.
al_illdothat I'll do that.
al_joking01 What? You're joking?
al_joking02 You're serious?
al_joking03 How did it get past me?
al_keepwatch01 Oh, no...
al_keepwatch02 Oh, please...
al_keepwatch03 Keep watching.
al_lefthand Oh? You mean old Mossie left me a hand?
al_notgoing We're not going anywhere without—
al_olddays01 Oh, let me do it, Dad.
al_olddays02 There's stuff I'd like to ask Gordon.
al_olddays03 You know,
al_olddays04 about the old days.
al_oldrecord01 I've gotta say, I think you broke my old record for getting here on foot from Dr. Kleiner's Lab.
al_oldrecord02 Still, you'd have made better time if you hadn't try to brute-force your way through the Antlion zones. There's a subtler way of dealing with—
al_oldrecord03 Uh-oh.
al_omgno Oh my God. No!
al_omgscanners01 Oh my God.
al_omgscanners02 Those are scanners.
al_omgscanners03 Gordon, get back inside, we've gotta warn—
al_onepiece I'll bring him back in one piece.
al_riled01 So, where is the troublemaker?
al_riled02 I've never seen the Antlions so riled.
al_scouts01 No!
al_scouts02 Where? Use your scouts. Can you see them?
al_south01 Approaching the south entrance.
al_south02 There's a lot of Antlion activity out here, but not sign of Gordon Freeman.
al_stirredup01 Dad, you got plenty of time to talk about this later.
al_stirredup02 I want Gordon to see what he stirred up.
al_stirredup03 If he's gonna walk in the Antlions den, he might has well learn to tread lightly.
al_theyknow01 They know.
al_theyknow02 Quick. Get in.
al_thisisdog01 Gordon, this is Dog.
al_thisisdog02 My dad built him years ago to keep track of me.
al_thisisdog03 Be my little buddy while I was scavenging around.
al_thisisdog04 That was the first model. He was about... yay-high.
al_thisisdog05 I've been adding to him ever since.
al_thisisdog06 Haven't I, boy?
al_thisway Come on, Gordon. This way.
al_tour01 I'm not starting anything.
al_tour02 I suppose she already gave him the tour.
al_trackthem Put the word out. Make sure you track them as far as you can. If they change course, we need to know.
al_yes Yeah!

Nova Prospekt[edit]

Location: sound/vo/NovaProspekt (No text data)

Filename(s) Quote
al_areyouthere Are you there, Dr. Kleiner?
al_comeonin01 Well, come on in.
al_comeonin02 Come on in, Gordon. (Same as retail)
al_comeonin03 Come on in.
al_cozy Hmm this is cozy.
al_hybridworking01 I've got a hybrid teleport working.
al_hybridworking02 Are you ready to receive us?

Kleiner's Lab 2[edit]

Location: sound/vo/k_lab2 (no lipsync data in this folder)

Filename(s) Quote
al_andmyfather And what about my father?
al_aweekago01 A week ago?
al_aweekago02 But I only just activated the hybrid portal and stepped in.
al_aweekago03 And here we are.
al_dog Dog.
al_gottogetout01 We got to get out of here.
al_gottogetout02 Come on, Dr. Kleiner.
al_gottogetout03 Gordon, Dog, let's go.
al_ijusttoldyou What do you mean? I just told you we were coming.
al_poordoc01 Oh no.
al_poordoc02 Poor Dr. Kleiner.
al_thecitadel01 The Citadel.
al_thecitadel02 My God, Gordon. We lost whatever chance we had.
al_whathappened01 A week?
al_whathappened02 But what happened in the mean time?
al_whatswrong What's wrong?
al_wheresdoc01 That's odd. Where's Dr. Kleiner?
al_wheresdoc02 Dr. Kleiner! Let us out!
al_who Who?

City 17 uprising[edit]

Location: sound/vo/Streetwar/Alyx_gate

Early dialogs of the battle at the gate during the City 17 uprising, shortly before Alyx gets captured.

Filename(s) Quote
al_almostdone Almost done.
al_bridge01 The bridge we've gotta cross is beyond that gate.
al_bridge02 I can hack the gate controls and hold it open till we're through, but you're gonna have to watch my back while I'm working.
al_cmon Come on!
al_cmoncmon Come on, come on.
al_comeon Come on! (No text data)
al_coupleminutes It could take me a couple minutes to take control of the gate.
al_coverme01 Cover me!
al_coverme02 Cover me!
al_damn Damn!
al_firstbit First bit's done.
al_followme Follow me! (No text data)
al_getoverhere Get over here!
al_getthrough Get through before it closes.
al_go Go!
al_goingthru01 Looks like instead of going over it.
al_goingthru02 we'll be going through.
al_goodletsgo Good. Let's go.
al_gordonhurryup Gordon, hurry up - get over here!
al_heregoes All right... here goes.
al_hurry Hurry!
al_hurrygordon Hurry, Gordon!
al_iwasafraid I was afraid you weren't going to make it.
al_keepmoving Keep moving! (No text data)
al_letsgetmoving Let's get moving! (No text data)
al_no No! (Same as retail)
al_nottoolong This shouldn't take too long.
al_nowtricky Now for the tricky part.
al_okgetgoing Okay, let's get going.
al_okthatsit Okay, that's it!
al_onemorebit Just one more bit and we're ready.
al_onewill01 Or anyway.
al_onewill02 One of us will.
al_overhere01 Over here! (No text data)
al_overhere02 Over here! (No text data)
al_phew Phew. (No text data)
al_standardpanel It's a standard panel.
al_thankgod Thank God.
al_thatsit That's it.
al_thatwasclose That was close. (No text data)
al_thebridge The bridge!
al_thedeal Ok, here's the deal.
al_there There.
al_theresbridge01 There's the bridge.
al_theresbridge02 Let's get across.
al_theysawus They saw us!
al_whatnow01 What now?
al_whatnow02 We have to get across this canal!