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This subject is related to a real world perspective.
This subject is related to the Black Mesa Incident era.
This subject is related to the Combine era.
This subject is related to the Portal era.
This subject is related to the Portal 2 era.
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From Combine OverWiki, the original Half-Life wiki and Portal wiki
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This subject is related to a real world perspective.
This subject is related to the Black Mesa Incident era.
This subject is related to the Combine era.
This subject is related to the Portal era.
This subject is related to the Portal 2 era.
This article pertains to Combine OverWiki.
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As ambiguous as the G-Man.

The canon of the Half-Life and Portal series has largely never been officially defined by Valve. Half-Life series writer Marc Laidlaw stated that the issue of canon is "something the fans came up with"[1] and that they do not have an official stance on it.[2] He remarked that they "do not get involved in issues of canonicity" and that "canon itself is non-canon", letting the games stand on their own.[1][2] Valve also chooses not to define a precise timeline as they would only end up contradicting themselves in the future.[3] As such, a handful of retcons have occurred throughout the series.

Regarding the Portal-themed technology demo spinoffs specifically, Portal series writer Erik Wolpaw has stated that they do consider these to be non-canon to the main Portal games.[4]

OverWiki designations rationale

As no official definition of canon exists for most of the Half-Life and Portal series, the use of the term "canon" here on the Combine OverWiki is meant strictly for browsing convenience purposes to distinguish between sources that contribute to the series' overarching storyline and sources that do not. The following list is not official (except where explicitly cited) and should not be taken as rule.

Unofficial OverWiki list

Canon material

Half-Life cover art.
Portal 2 cover art.
Half-Life: Alyx cover art.

Half-Life games

Portal games


Official guides

Non-canon material

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch cover art.
Bridge Constructor Portal cover art.
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast cover art.

Portal-themed tech demos[4]


Cut material

Behind the scenes media

(Although material given in these sources that expounds specifically upon aspects in the finished games is typically regarded as canon.)

See also


External links