List of minor Resistance members
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This article lists the minor Resistance members who have no direct or a minor influence on the Half-Life 2 story arc. Some characters use identical model variants.
Half-Life 2[edit]
The Scout[edit]
The Scout[1] is a rebel from the Half-Life 2 leak. He appears in the 2003 version of the map d1_trainstation_02
The Scout contacts Gordon Freeman at the Trainstation Plaza, telling him to wait for another Resistance member together. Two Metro Cops soon arrive, arresting the scout, and telling Freeman to go away. In another sequence, the Scout can be seen behind a locked door being interrogated by a Metro Cop.
In an unused bit of audio, Barney at the previous level tells Gordon that he's got a scout who will meet him at the plaza and take Gordon to Kleiner's Lab. In the map d3_c17_08
after Gordon has his final skirmish with a few Hydras, Gordon comes across deceased citizens, execution squads and meets up with the Scout, informing him reports of a sniper and bunker. This third appearance is conveyed only through entity text. Both this longer explanation, the shorter sequence and resistance appearance in the playable leak were ultimately completely removed.
Barney's Scout at early City 17 Trainstation.
Drainage Doug[edit]
Drainage Doug[1] is a rebel from the Half-Life 2 leak. He appears in the first Canals map. Doug can be seen hiding inside a drainage tunnel telling Gordon Freeman to keep moving forward.
Odell (barge driver)[edit]
Odell[1] is a rebel from the 2003 map d1_canals_end.vmf
found in the Half-Life 2 leak. He controls a barge with a makeshift propane tank launcher.
In his dialogue, given through on-screen text, he explains what to do to defeat a Combine helicopter up ahead. After loading up the barge with at least five propane tanks, it makes its way down the canal. Odell disembarks and starts running back and forth along the canal, distracting the helicopter and allowing Freeman to attack it with the propane tanks.
Given his entity name, underground_npc_odell
, as well as his occupation, he may be a reference to Odell, or even one of the last attempts to fit him into the storyline. However, he uses a generic citizen model, and doesn't state his name in the placeholder dialogue.
Odell in the prototype canal map in the playable leak.
The RPGGuy[edit]
The RPGGuy[2], also known as Rocketman[1], is a rebel from the Half-Life 2 leak. He eventually merged with Odell to form Odessa Cubbage.
In the 2003 version of Highway 17, the RPGGuy greets Gordon at the small settlement which would eventually become New Little Odessa. He instructs Gordon about the use of the Rocket Launcher and how to take down the arriving Combine Gunship. Failing to hit the Gunship himself, RPGGuy remarks that Freeman should 'do as [he] says, not as [he] does', and hides in a small shack, which is then obliterated by the Gunship's belly cannon, allowing Freeman to pick up the RPG.
Marc Laidlaw states that the RPGGuy was a "tough character"[source?].
Backmantis and Morgan[edit]
Backmantis[1] and Morgan[1] are two rebels from the Half-Life 2 leak. They appear in the 2003 storyline version of Dock 137 (chapter Highway 17). They can be seen standing next to a shed on the dock leading up to the crane. When approached, Backmantis informs Gordon Freeman that he used to be the original crane operator for the area and ensures him that the crane is operational. His dialogue is conveyed solely through text.
Their entity names also match their chosen models, which are named the same in the leak's FGD.
Fludd, Pettigrew, and Regis[edit]
Fludd[1], Pettigrew[1], and Regis[1] are three rebels from the 2003 map d1_under_03
found in the Half-Life 2 leak. They were originally seen in the Canals chapter of the game.
They can be seen in a sub-location known only as the Temp Hobocamp
. The three are armed with Stunsticks and will greet Gordon Freeman. For a short period of time things seem calm however multiple Manhacks ambush the camp. At first the three try to defend the camp but are overrun with Manhacks. From there, they and Gordon run to a barricaded door armed with a Propane Tank trap. The trap works and the three give Gordon farewell. Their encounter is conveyed through recycled miscellaneous voice lines.
All three share the names with the characters of the "Vienna Sausages" sequence, despite Marc Laidlaw indicating that sequence wasn't meant for the game.
Half-Life 2 Episodes[edit]
Nigel is a cut Rebel from Half-Life 2: Episode Two. He only appears in ep2_outland_08_chopper
. His dialogue is conveyed solely through text.
Duncan and Scooter[edit]
Duncan and Scooter[source?] are two Citizens that would have appeared in Junction Point's Half-Life 2 Episode. They are the only known characters from this cancelled game.
Unidentified deaf character[edit]
During the development of a followup to Half-Life 2: Episode Two, an unidentified deaf character was discussed as a possible inclusion for a future Half-Life game. This character was introduced in a video involving Gabe Newell and two interpreters discussing deafness and video games with a small audience of hard of hearing people, with Valve games and a frame of Combine Soldiers concept art pictures in the background, uploaded August 6, 2009 by a former University of Washington student, Samuel Sandoval, deaf as well.[3][4][5]
In the video, Newell suggests that, before Alyx met Gordon, she had a crush on a hard of hearing Resistance member, so she programmed Dog with knowledge of sign language so she could practice and easily communicate with him. When this person went away to fight the Combine someplace else, Alyx and Dog started signing with each other when they wanted to communicate without making noise or without other people knowing. The implementation of such a character would haven been the starting point of implementing signing into Valve's games and give them the opportunity to build related technology and give easier access to video games for hard of hearing players.
Valve modeler and animator Bay Raitt also joins the discussion at the very end, although the video ends during the conversation. He apparently studied facial movements made by deaf focus testers; facial expression is already fully implemented in the Source engine and would help in the process of incorporating deaf characters in video games.
Half-Life: Alyx[edit]
Marcus[source?] is a Rebel that was ultimately cut from the original 2018 version of Half-Life: Alyx. He worked for Russell (at the time known as Lazlo) and did various tasks for him. Very little is known about him. Alyx Vance was supposed to interact with him as well, getting to know him.
Tanaka[source?] is a Rebel that was ultimately cut from the original 2018 version of Half-Life: Alyx. Like Marcus, they worked for Russell (at the time known as Lazlo) and did various tasks/jobs for him. Alyx was to interact with them as well.
Maya[source?] is both a Citizen & Rebel that was ultimately cut from the original 2018 version of Half-Life: Alyx. However, she was a librarian & was meant to solely interact with Alyx featured with different sets of dialogue & so fourth.
Half-Life 2[edit]
Al[1] is a Rebel stationed at Station 6. He is a radio operator, and he directs Gordon after hearing a message from Alyx. He may have survived the shelling, since he appears to subsequently have left his post.
Arlene[6] is a Rebel stationed at Station 6, appearing at the end of the Half-Life 2 chapter Route Kanal.
Gordon encounters Arlene after Station 6 is shelled, after which she hands him the Airboat after fueling it, and directs him to Station 7, advising him to drive hard to have a better chance against Civil Protection. After Gordon leaves, she waits by her radio but is eventually killed (though not "zombified") by a Fast Headcrab. Arlene does not die in the Xbox 360 port of The Orange Box.
Arlene is the very first victim of the Fast Headcrab, first introduced there. Seeing her attacked and killed can only be achieved by moving to the end of the Canals where the metal gate is, then returning. Of note is that the Headcrab did not turn her into a Fast Zombie and merely remains beside her, the Fast Zombie not being introduced until the Half-Life 2 chapter "We Don't Go To Ravenholm...".
BoxCar Joe[edit]
Joe,[7] also known as BoxCar Joe,[7] is a Rebel who manned one of the Underground Railroad stations, in a boxcar with a Vortigaunt. He appears in the Half-Life 2 chapter Route Kanal.
When Gordon first drops into the boxcar, the G-Man can be seen on the television screen being powered by the Vortigaunt, in front of a Breencast background. Once Gordon gets noticed, the Vortigaunt stops powering the television. After the Vortigaunt gives a jolt to Gordon's HEV Suit (powering the player up to 25 Energy if it was lower than that), Joe opens the boxcar's door to let Gordon proceed to the next Rebel outpost, Station 1.
In the Half-Life 2 leak, Joe originally went under the name "Boxcar Phil[1]" with a completely different appearance. Phil seemed to have angering opinions on what the Vortigaunt had to say.
Chester[1] is a Rebel stationed at Black Mesa East. He guards the airlock connecting the base and the Canals. If interacted with, he will acknowledge Gordon but quickly urge him to follow Dr. Mossman. In the Half-Life 2 leak, Chester didn't exist.
Daniels[8] is one of the four Rebels fighting Combine Soldiers in the garage at Shorepoint Base when Gordon reaches the base. After Gordon has helped them kill the remaining soldiers, Daniels remains with Jacobs near Winston, wounded during the battle, while Gordon follows Leon into the main building.
It's possible for Daniels to die during this battle which results in only Jacobs tending to Winston. The map scripting also refers to Daniels as a "redshirt", seemingly indicating his expendable status in the scene.
Jacobs[9] is one of the four Rebels fighting Combine Soldiers in the garage at Shorepoint Base when Gordon reaches the base. After Gordon has helped them kill the remaining soldiers, Jacobs tells Leon that Winston has been hit. She stays with him while Gordon follows Leon into the main building.
Although Jacobs uses a refugee model, she is flagged as a medic and she can heal Daniels or Gordon in combat if they are close to her.
Manhack Matt[edit]
Matt,[10] also known as Manhack Matt,[7][11] is a Rebel who manned one of the stations of the Underground Railroad. He appears in the Half-Life 2 chapter Route Kanal.
Matt is still manning his post even during the Civil Protection raids on the Underground Railroad stations, putting explosive barrels in the two corridors linked to his home as protection against Manhacks. When Gordon arrives at his station, Matt tells him the Resistance is tearing off the railroad, covering their tracks. Before he opens his metal door to let Gordon proceed, three Manhacks break down the door and attack them. Matt arms himself with a piece of metal pipe and they destroy the Manhacks together. With the threat eliminated, Matt offers Gordon some supplies before sending him on his way, himself refusing to abandon his post in case more refugees come through. Gordon then leaves, but a few seconds later, Matt is heard screaming. When going back, Gordon discovers Matt has been killed by another Manhack that has apparently come from the other tunnel. In the Half-Life 2 leak Matt went under a different name, that being "Whistler Joe[1]" and when meeting Gordon Freeman, Joe scolded at Gordon telling him to leave as he'll get him killed. Whistler Joe also used a Stunstick rather than the metal pipe seen in the final game.
Mary[12] is one of the remaining Underground Railroad Rebels at the time of Gordon's journey through the City 17 Canals. Hidden in a concrete pipe, she calls him after he witnesses Station 1's massacre at the hand of Civil Protection, and tells him to proceed, as despite the fall of Station 1 there are other stations up ahead. She then tells Gordon she has to stay behind to "keep the railway alive", and he leaves her. It is likely that Mary was originally stationed at the nearby Station 1.
Despite telling Gordon that she'll stay behind, she's gone as soon as the player reaches the next area.
Noriko is a Rebel stationed at Shorepoint Base. She appears at the start of the Half-Life 2 chapter Highway 17. Under the command of Leon, she appears to be the base's mechanic, since she is apparently in charge of maintaining the Scout Car and operating the crane.
On Leon's orders, she brings the car onto Shorepoint's Pier 87 after mounting an ammo crate on its back and uses the crane magnet to shift the vehicle down onto the beach with Gordon inside. However, the magnet fails midway through the trip, sending Gordon and the Scout Car plummeting down onto the sand, from which Antlions begin to emerge. Fortunately, Gordon is able to flip the Scout Car back the right way up with the Gravity Gun and drive off.
If Gordon ventures to the beach instead of getting into the car, Noriko will ask him to get back on the pier several times. She will use several sentences until he comes back, her patience starting to grow thin. The sentences are, in order: "Come back up, Dr. Freeman! The car's on the pier!", "I said, get back up on the pier!" and "Dr. Freeman, you won't get anywhere on foot! Come back up and get in the car!".
Winston is one of the four Rebels fighting Combine Soldiers in the garage at Shorepoint before Gordon reaches the base. When Gordon arrives on the spot, Winston has been hit and is lying on the floor while his comrades (Leon, Daniels, and Jacobs) are still fighting. After Gordon helps the Rebels dispatch the soldiers, Leon asks Daniels and Jacobs to stay by Winston until he is stable, then bring him to Shorepoint's main building where the wounded are looked after by the nurse, then asks Gordon to follow him in the main building. Winston's fate after Gordon's departure is unknown.
Dum and Dee[edit]
Dum and Dee[13] can be heard conversing in Vortigese at the Vortigaunt Camp. They shortly interrupt their conversation when approached by Gordon; one apologizes to Gordon for communing by flux shifting in front of "those whose vortal inputs are impaired", and adds that they will continue vocalizing in Gordon's auditory language as a matter of courtesy unless they wish to say unflattering things about him. Quite humorously, they then resume conversing in Vortigese.
Their names are a reference to Tweedledum and Tweedledee - characters in an English nursery rhyme and in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass.
Louie[14] is a Vortigaunt who assists Eli Vance in his laboratory, first seen during the teleport sequence. He installs a part on a corner unit, and then starts using the computer next to the teleport. It has unique responses, and when talked to, he reveals that Eli was their first human collaborator.
Sweepy[15] is the nickname given by White Forest Rebels to a Vortigaunt janitor. He is first seen at the beginning of Half-Life 2 working in shackles and collars as a servant of the Combine sweeping the floor at the City 17 Trainstation.
Sweepy is seen again in Episode Two in the presence of the Resistance in White Forest's Silo 1 now freed of his restraints, sweeping a very dark room with a broom at the foot of the rocket and again later sweeping the floor on the ground level after the valley battle.
Vortigaunt Shepherd[edit]
The Vortigaunt Shepherd[7] appears in the Half-Life 2 chapter Sandtraps. After defeating the Antlion Guard, the Shepherd comes out of the Vortigaunt Camp and extracts the Bugbait, giving it to Gordon so that he can use it to control Antlions. The Shepherd then shows him how to use the Bugbait so that he is able to manipulate the Antlions to aid him in his journey to rendezvous with Alyx in Nova Prospekt. After Gordon has completed domesticating a small pack of Antlions, the Shepherd lets him proceed to the Nova Prospekt beaches.
The Shepherd may have also trained some Rebels since one says "I swear by the pheropods myself.".
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Entity name.
- ↑ Half-Life 2 leak game files
- ↑
Gabe Newell w/ Deaf Character - Part One on YouTube
- ↑
Gabe Newell w/ Deaf Character - Part Two on YouTube
- ↑
Gabe Newell w/ Deaf Character - Part Three on YouTube
- ↑ Entity and animation names.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Half-Life 2 Prima Guide
- ↑ Animation names and unused entities.
- ↑ Entity and animation names.
- ↑ Half-Life 2 game files (his sound file names, the game subtitles file, his NPC name in the map, his scene files, the model name of his pipe)
- ↑ Half-Life 2 game files (the model name of his metal door)
- ↑ Female Citizen model animations name.
- ↑ Their entity names
- ↑ Entity name in
- ↑ The Orange Box Prima Guide